Language of document :

Notice for the OJ


Action brought on 25 September 2002 by Michael Kenny against the Court of Justice of the European Communities

    (Case T-302/02)

    Language of the case: French

An action against the Court of Justice of the European Communities was brought before the Court of First Instance of the European Communities on 25 September 2002 by Michael Kenny, residing at Roodt-sur-Syre, Luxembourg, represented by Georges Vandersanden and Laure Levi, lawyers.

The applicant claims that the Court should:

(annul the decision of the appointing authority of 11 March 2002 rejecting the application by the applicant for post No CJ 62/01, concerning the recruitment of an administrator (career bracket A7-A6) in the Press and Information Division;

(annul, in so far as may be necessary, the decision of the Complaints Committee of 25 June 2002 rejecting the applicant's complaint;

(order the defendant to pay all the costs.

Pleas in law and main arguments:

The applicant, an official of the Court of Justice, applied for the post of administrator in the Press and Information Division. The appointing authority rejected his application and appointed another candidate to the post in question.

In support of his claim, the applicant pleads:

(failure to provide a statement of reasons, or at least the provision of an inadequate and erroneous statement of reasons;

(non-compliance with the selection procedure;

(infringement of Article 27 of the Staff Regulations;

(infringement of fundamental rights and of general principles of law.
