Language of document :

Judgment of the Court of First Instance (First Chamber) of 12 July 2007 - Sanders and Others v Commission

(Case T-45/01) 1

(Staff employed at the JET Joint Undertaking - Application of a legal status different from that of members of the temporary staff - Compensation for material damage sustained)

Language of the case: English


Applicants: Stephen G. Sanders (Oxfordshire, United Kingdom) and the 94 applicants whose names appear in the annex (represented by: initially P. Roth QC, I. Hutton, E. Mitrophanous and A. Howard, Barristers, and subsequently P. Roth QC, I. Hutton and B. Lask, Barristers,)

Defendant: Commission of the European Communities (represented by: J. Currall, Agent)

Intervener in support of the defendant: Council of the European Union (represented by: initially J.-P. Hix and A. Pilette and subsequently J.-P. Hix and B. Driessen, Agents)


Fixing, pursuant to the judgment of the Court of First Instance of 5 October 2004 in T-45/01 Sanders and Others v Commission [2004] ECR II-3315, the amount of damages for the financial loss sustained by each of the applicants as a result of the fact that they were not recruited as temporary servants of the Communities during the time they worked at the Joint European Torus (JET) Joint Undertaking.

Operative part of the judgment

1.    Orders the Commission to pay to each of the applicants damages corresponding to the sum indicated for each of them in column 6 of Annex 3 to the present judgment;

2.    Orders that that sum shall bear interest at the rate of 5.25% from 31 December 1999 until actual payment;

3.    Orders the Commission to bear its own costs and to pay the costs of the applicants incurred in respect of the entire proceedings before the Court of First Instance;

4.    Orders the Council to bear its own costs.


1 - OJ C 134, 05.05.2001.