Language of document : ECLI:EU:T:2011:425

(Fourth Chamber)

6 September 2011

Case T‑282/11

Ciprian-Calin Alionescu


European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO)

(Civil service — Recruitment — Open competition — Decision by EPSO to extend by six hours the period for the submission of applications — Referral to the Civil Service Tribunal)

Application:      for annulment of the decision of the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) to extend by six hours the period for the submission of applications in open competition EPSO/AD/206-207/11 and the adoption of measures consequent on that annulment.

Held:      Case T‑282/11 is referred to the Civil Service Tribunal. The costs are reserved.


Officials — Actions — Action against a decision of the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) taken in the context of an open competition for the recruitment of officials — Jurisdiction of the Civil Service Tribunal

(Art. 270 TFEU; Staff Regulations of Officials, Arts 29 to 31 and Annex III)

An action, brought by a candidate in an open competition aimed at recruiting European Union officials, seeking to dispute the lawfulness of a decision of the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) taken in the context of that open competition falls within the scope of Article 270 TFEU and, therefore, falls within the jurisdiction of the Civil Service Tribunal. The recruitment of officials of the European Union is governed, in particular, by Articles 29 to 31 of the Staff Regulations and by Annex III thereto. Consequently, a candidate in an open competition is a person covered by the Staff Regulations.

(see paras 7-10)