Language of document :

Judgment of the General Court of 26 October 2017 — HB v Commission

(Case T-706/16 P) 1

(Appeal — Civil service — Officials — Promotion — 2014 promotion exercise — Comparative consideration of the merits — Discrimination based on sex — Error in law)

Language of the case: French


Appellant: HB (represented by: S. Orlandi and T. Martin, lawyers)

Other party to the proceedings: European Commission (represented by: C. Berardis-Kayser and G. Berscheid, acting as Agents)


Appeal brought against the judgment of the Civil Service Tribunal of the European Union (Second Chamber) of 21 July 2016, HB v Commission (F-125/15, EU:F:2016:164), seeking to have that judgment set aside.

Operative part of the judgment

The Court:

Dismisses the appeal;

Orders HB to bear her own costs and to pay those incurred by the European Commission in the context of the present proceedings;

The costs relating to the proceedings at first instance remain allocated in accordance with paragraphs 2 and 3 of the operative part of the judgment of the Civil Service Tribunal of the European Union (Second Chamber) of 21 July 2016, HB v Commission (F-125/15).


1     OJ C 454, 5.12.2016.