Language of document :

Judgment of the General Court of 2 October 2014 — Euro-Link Consultants and European Profiles v Commission

(Case T-199/12) 1

(Public service contracts — Tender procedure — Crimean tourism diversification and support project — Rejection of the applicants’ tender — Action for annulment — Measure not amenable to review — Confirmatory measure — Partial inadmissibility — Obligation to state reasons — Award criteria — Manifest error of assessment — Misuse of powers — Equal treatment)

Language of the case: English


Applicants: Euro-Link Consultants Srl (Bucharest, Romania); and European Profiles AE Meleton kai Symvoulon Epicheiriseon (Athens, Greece) (represented by: S. Pappas, lawyer)

Defendant: European Commission (represented initially by: S. Bartelt and A. Bordes, and subsequently by S. Bartelt and M. Konstantinidis, Agents)


Application for the annulment of the decision of 28 February 2012 of the European Union Delegation to Ukraine, in the restricted tender procedure EuropeAid/131567/C/SER/UA ‘Crimean tourism diversification and support project’, not to award the contract to the applicants’ consortium, and the subsequent decisions rejecting the applicants’ complaints made on 14 March 2012 by that authority and on 2 May 2012 by the Director of the Neighbourhood Directorate of the Commission’s Directorate General for Development and Co-operation — EuropeAid

Operative part of the judgment

The Court:

Dismisses the action;

Orders Euro-Link Consultants Srl and European Profiles AE Meleton kai Symvoulon Epicheiriseon to pay the costs.



1 OJ C 209, 14.7.2012.