Language of document :

Order of the General Court of 4 July 2014 — Uspaskich v Parliament

(Case T-84/12) 

(Action for annulment and compensation — Privileges and immunities — Member of the European Parliament — Decision to waive immunity — Re-examination — Decision not to defend immunity — Inadmissibility — Manifest inadmissibility)

Language of the case: Lithuanian


Applicant: Viktor Uspaskich (Kėdainiai, Lithuania) (represented by: A. Raišutis, lawyer)Defendant: European Parliament (represented by: N. Lorenz, M. Windisch and L. Mašalaitė-Chouteau, acting as Agents)Intervener in support of the defendant: Republic of Lithuania (represen

nguage of the case: LithuanianPartiesApplicant: Viktor Uspaskich (Kėdainiai, Lithuania) (represented by: A. Raišut

is, lawyer)Defendant: European Parliament (represented by: N. Lorenz, M. Windisch and L. Mašalaitė-Chouteau, acting as Agents)Inte


er in support of the defendant: Republic of Lithuania (represented by: D. Kriaučiūnas and V. Balčiūnaitė, acting as Agents)Re:Firstly, an application for annulment of the Parliament’s decision of 1 December 2011 not to defend the applicant’s parliamentary immunity and to reject his application for re-examination of the decision to waive immunity and, secondly, a claim for damages.Operative part of the order1.    The action is dismissed as in part manifestly inadmissible and in part inadmissible.2.    Mr Viktor Uspaskich shall bear his own costs and shall pay the costs incurred by the European Parliament.3.    The Republic of Lithuania shall bear its own costs.