Language of document :

Order of the President of the Court of First Instance of 20 July 2006 - GLOBE v Commission of the European Communities

(Case T-114/06 R)

(Public procurement - Community tendering procedure - Procedure for interim relief - Prima facie case - Urgency)

Language of the case: French


Applicant: GLOBE NV (Zandhoven, Belgium) (represented by: A. Abate, lawyer)

Defendant: Commission of the European Communities (represented by: M. Wilderspin and G. Boudot, agents)


Suspension of the operation of the Commission's decision to reject the applicant's tender in connection with the tendering procedure for supplies to various countries in Central Asia (EuropeAid/122078/C/S/Multi).

Operative part of the order

1.    The operation of the Commission's decision to award the tender to IGN France international in connection with the tendering procedure for supplies to various countries in Central Asia (EuropeAid/122078/C/S/Multi) and the performance of the contract concluded by the Commission with IGN France international are suspended until the Court of First Instance has ruled on the application in the main proceedings.

2.    Costs are reserved.
