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Notice for the OJ



     5 August 2003

In Joined Cases T-116/01 and T-118/01: P & O European Ferries (Vizcaya), SA and Diputación Foral de Vizcaya v Commission of the European Communities(1)

    (State aid ( Actions for annulment ( Decision terminating a review procedure initiated under Article 88(2) EC ( Concept of State aid ( Purchase of services by the State at the market price ( Aid having a social

character granted without discrimination related to the origin of the products concerned ( Failure to order a Member State to produce the necessary information ( Obligation to refund aid ( Legitimate expectations of recipients ( Statement of reasons)

    (Language of the case: Spanish and English)

In Joined Cases T-116/01 and T-118/01, P&O European Ferries (Vizcaya) SA, formerly Ferries Golfo de Vizcaya SA, established in Bilbao (Spain), represented by Sir Jeremy Lever QC, D. Beard, barrister, J. Ellison, solicitor, and J. Folguera Crespo, lawyer, v Commission of the European Communities (Agent: J. Flett): Application for annulment of Commission Decision 2001/247/EC of 29 November 2000 on the aid scheme implemented by Spain in favour of the shipping company Ferries Golfo de Vizcaya (OJ 2001 L 89, p. 28), the Court of First Instance (First Chamber, Extended Composition), composed of: B. Vesterdorf, President, K. Lenaerts, J. Azizi, M. Jaeger and H. Legal, Judges; J. Palacio González, Principal Administrator, for the Registrar, has given a judgment on 5 August 2003, in which it:

1.Dismisses the actions;

2.Orders the applicant, in each case, to bear its own costs and those incurred by the Commission;

3.Orders the interveners to bear their own costs.


1 - OJ C 212 of 28.07.2001 and C 227 of 11.08.2001.