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Notice for the OJ


Order of the Court of First Instance of 10 March 2003 in Case T-303/01: Ayuntamiento de Osera de Ebro v Commission of the European Communities1

(Project for the construction of the Madrid-Barcelona-French border high-speed line ( Financial assistance from the Cohesion Fund ( Expected impact of the route on the environs of the Soto de Aguilar protected area ( Commission refusal to initiate proceedings for failure to fulfil obligations ( Action for annulment ( Natural and legal persons ( Act directly affecting them ( Inadmissibility)    

    (Language of the case: Spanish)

In Case T-303/01: Ayuntamiento de Osera de Ebro, established in Zaragoza (Spain), represented by J. Ariño Barcelona, lawyer, against Commission of the European Communities (Agent: G. Valero Jordana), supported by Kingdom of Spain (Agent: R. Silva de Lapuerta) - application for annulment of the decision of the Commission of 13 July 2001 refusing to initiate proceedings for a finding of failure to fulfil obligations under Article 226 EC against the Kingdom of Spain and seeking the adoption of measures intended to prevent the Spanish authorities from implementing their decision of 17 March 1999 concerning the route to be followed by the Madrid-Barcelona-French border high-speed line - the Court of First Instance (Second Chamber), composed of N.J. Forwood, President, J. Pirrung and A.W.H. Meij, Judges; H. Jung, Registrar, made an order on 10 March 2003, the operative part of which is as follows:

1.The application is dismissed as inadmissible.

2._The applicant shall bear its own costs and pay those incurred by the Commission.

3.The Kingdom of Spain shall bear its own costs.


1 - -OJ 2002 C 44