Language of document :

Action brought on 5 February 2007 - Angé Serrano v Parliament

(Case F-9/07)

Language of the case: French


Applicant: Pilar Angé Serrano (Luxembourg, Luxembourg) (represented by: E. Boigelot, lawyer)

Defendant: European Parliament

Form of order sought

Annul the decision of the European Parliament of 20 March 2006 to reclassify the applicant in Grade B*6, step 8, with effect from 1 May 2004;

order the defendant to pay, by way of compensation for material and non-material damage and harm to the applicant's career, the sum of EUR 25 000, subject to increase and/or decrease in the course of the proceedings;

order the defendant to pay the costs.

Pleas in law and main arguments

The applicant, an official of the European Parliament and successful candidate in a competition for change of category (from Category C to Category B) before the reformed Staff Regulations entered into force on 1 May 2004, has already brought an action before the Court of First Instance of the European Communities against the decision to reclassify her in Grade B*5. 1

In the present case, the applicant challenges the Parliament's decision of 20 March 2006 to reclassify her in Grade B*6, step 8. In support of her claim, the applicant relies on pleas in law which are very similar to those put forward in Case T-47/05. Moreover, she submits that, despite her new classification, the system arising from the reform of the Staff Regulations calls into question the effectiveness of her change of category from C to B, since the new classification does not confer any benefit on the applicant when her situation is compared with that of her colleagues who have not been successful in a competition for change of category.


1 - Case T-47/05 Angé Serrano and Others v Parliament, OJ C 93, 14.04.2005, p. 36