Language of document :

Notice for the OJ


Action brought on 21 September 2005 - COFRA s.r.l. v Commission of the European Communities

(Case T-363/05)

Language of the case: Italian


Applicant(s): COFRA s.r.l. (Barletta (Italy)) (represented by Michele Arcangelo Calabrese, lawyer)

Defendant(s): Commission of the European Communities

Form of order sought

The applicant claims, subject to all procedural reservations, that the Court should declare that, by having acted unlawfully as set out in the application, the Commission has seriously and manifestly infringed Community law, and has caused the applicant financial damage and must therefore be ordered to pay the applicant compensation:

(a)    of EUR 387 700.00, revalued in accordance with the ISTAT (Italian Central Statistical Office) indices of 26 June 2001 until the date of judgment;

(b)    of EUR 387 700.00, revalued in accordance with the ISTAT indices of 26 June 2002 until the date of judgment;

(c)    of EUR 387 700.00, revalued in accordance with the ISTAT indices of 26 June 2003 until the date of judgment;

(d)    interest on those revalued sums,

and that the Court should order the defendant to pay the costs, including those of the party's technical consultancy.

Pleas in law and main arguments

The pleas in law and main arguments are those put forward in Case T-362/05 Nuova Agricast v Commission.
