Language of document :

Notice for the OJ


Action brought on 18 February 2005 by the Italian Republic against the Commission of the European Communities

(Case T-83/05)

(Language of the case: Italian)

An action against the Commission of the European Communities was brought before the Court of First Instance of the European Communities on 18 February 2005 by the Italian Republic, represented by Antonio Cingolo, Avvocato dello Stato.

The applicant claims that the Court should:

annul the Commission's decisions of: 16 December 2004 (P.E.P. Sicily 2000-2006), 13 January 2005 (P.E.P. Calabria Ob. 1 2000-2006), 13 January 2005 (P.E.P. Apulia Ob. 1 2000-2006), 17 January 2005 (Docup Lombardy Ob. 2 2000-2006), 17 January 2005 (P.E.P. Calabria Ob. 1 2000-2006) and 26 January 2005 (P.E.P. Sardinia Ob. 1 2000-2006), all intended to make implementation of the payment of certain advances in the sphere of aid schemes conditional upon fulfilment of obligations not required by the legislation in force, for the purpose of improperly limiting the expenditure which is eligible for the use of the Structural Funds concerned;

order the Commission to pay the costs.

Pleas in law and main arguments

The pleas in law and main arguments are those raised in Case T-345/04 Italian Republic v Commission. 1


1 - O.J.E.U. C 262 of 23 October 2004, p. 55.