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Request for a preliminary ruling from the Raad van State (Netherlands) lodged on 17 February 2014 — Nannoka Vulcanus Industries BV; other party: College van gedeputeerde staten van Gelderland

(Case C-81/14)

Language of the case: Dutch

Referring court

Raad van State

Parties to the main proceedings

Appellant: Nannoka Vulcanus Industries BV

Other party: College van gedeputeerde staten van Gelderland

Questions referred

Does it follow from Annex IIB to Council Directive 1999/13/EC 1 of 11 March 1999 on the limitation of emissions of volatile organic compounds due to the use of organic solvents in certain activities and installations that the operator of installations for which a constant solid content of product can be assumed and used to define the reference point for emission reductions, where substitutes containing little or no solvent are still under development, must be given a time extension for the implementation of its reduction scheme, in derogation from the time frame set out in that annex?

If Question 1 is answered in the affirmative:

Is particular action on the part of the operator of the installation or authorisation from a competent authority required for the conferring of a time extension for the implementation of the reduction scheme provided for in Annex IIB to Directive 1999/13/EC?

On the basis of which criteria can the length of the time extension provided for in Annex IIB to Directive 1999/13/EC be determined?


1 OJ 1999 L 85, p. 1.