Language of document :

Judgment of the General Court of 6 October 2021 – Covestro Deutschland v Commission

(Affaire T-745/18)1

(State aid – Aid scheme implemented by Germany in favour of certain large electricity consumers – Exemption from network charges for the period 2012 – 2013 – Decision declaring the aid scheme incompatible with the internal market and unlawful and ordering recovery of the aid granted – Action for annulment – Time limit for bringing an action – Admissibility – Definition of aid – State resources – Equal treatment – Legitimate expectations)

Language of the case: German


Applicant: Covestro Deutschland AG (Leverkusen, Germany) (represented by: M. Küper, J. Otter, C. Anger and M. Goldberg, lawyers)

Defendant: European Commission (represented by: T. Maxian Rusche and K. Herrmann, acting as Agents)

Intervener in support of the applicant: Federal Republic of Germany (represented by: J. Möller, R. Kanitz, S. Heimerl and S. Costanzo, acting as Agents)


Application under Article 263 TFEU seeking annulment of Commission Decision (EU) 2019/56 of 28 May 2018 of 7 May 2015 on the State aid SA.34045 (2013/C) (ex 2012/NN) implemented by Germany to baseload consumers under Paragraph 19 StromNEV (OJ 2019 L 14, p. 1).

Operative part of the judgment

The application is dismissed;

Covestro Deutschland AG is ordered to bear its own costs and those incurred by the European Commission;

The Federal Republic of Germany is ordered to bear its own costs.


1     OJ C 82 of 4.3.2019.