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Notice for the OJ


Judgment of the Court of First Instance (Second Chamber) of 21 October 2003 in Case T-392/02: Solvay Pharmaceuticals BV v Council of the European Union 1

(Directive 70/524/EEC ( Community authorisation, linked to the person responsible for putting into circulation, of an additive in animal feedingstuff ( Transitional rules ( Withdrawal of the authorisation ( Action for annulment ( Admissibility ( Conditions for withdrawal ( Precautionary principle ( Principles of equal treatment, legal certainty, sound administration and good faith)    

    (Language of the case: French)

In Case T-392/02: Solvay Pharmaceuticals BV, established in Weesp (Netherlands), represented by C. Meijer, F. Herbert and M. L. Struys, lawyers, with an address for service in Luxembourg, against Council of the European Union (Agents: M. Balta and M. Ruggery Laderchi), supported by Commission of the European Communities (Agent: A. Bordes), application for the annulment of Council Regulation (EC) No 1756/2002 of 23 September 2002 amending Directive 70/524/EEC concerning additives in feedingstuffs as regards withdrawal of the authorisation of an additive and amending Commission Regulation (EC) No 2430/1999 (OJ 2002 L 265, p. 1) - the Court of First Instance (Second Chamber), composed of N. J. Forwood, President, J. Pirrung and A.W.H. Meij, Judges; H. Jung, Registrar, gave a judgment on 21 October 2003, in which it:

1.Dismisses the application.

    2.Orders the applicant to bear his own costs and pay those incurred by the Council, including those incurred in the interlocutory proceedings.

    3.Orders the Commission to bear its own costs, including those incurred in the interlocutory proceedings.


1 - OJ No C 55 of 8.3.03.