Judgment of the General Court (Fourth Chamber) of 22 May 2012 - Portugal v Commission

(Case T-345/10) 

(EAGGF - Guidance Section - Reduction of financial assistance - Measures to support investments in agricultural holdings - Effectiveness of controls)

Language of the case: Portuguese


Applicant: Portuguese Republic (represented by: L. Inez Fernandes and J. Saraiva de Almeida, agents, and by M. Figueiredo, lawyer)

Defendant: European Commission (represented by: P. Guerra e Andrade and G. von Rintelen, agents)


Annulment of Commission Decision C(2010) 4255 of 29 June 2010 concerning the application of financial corrections to assistance from the EAGGF, Guidance Section, allocated to Operational Programme No CCI 1999.PT.06.1.PO.007 (Portugal - National Objective 1 programme) for the measure 'Investments in agricultural holdings'.

Operative part of the judgment

The Court:

Dismisses the action;

Orders the Portuguese Republic to pay the costs.


1 - OJ C 301, 6.11.2010