Judgment of the General Court of 11 September 2013 – L v Parliament

(Case T-317/10 P) 1

(Appeals – Staff cases – Members of the temporary staff – Contract for an indefinite period – Decision to dismiss – Obligation to state reasons – Loss of trust)

Language of the case: Lithuanian


Appellant: L (Luxembourg, Luxembourg) (represented: initially by A. Sèbe and V. Sviderskis and subsequently by A. Sèbe, lawyers)

Other party to the proceedings: European Parliament (represented: initially by S. Seyr, K. Zejdová and L. Mašalaitė-Chouteau, subsequently by S. Seyr, K. Zejdová and S. Milius, and finally by S. Seyr and S. Alves, acting as Agents)Re:Appeal against the judgment of the Civil Service Tribunal of the European Union [confidential],  seeking to have that judgment set asi

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y A. Sèbe, lawyers)Other party to the proceedings: European Parliament (represented: initially by S. Seyr, K. Zejdová and L.

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f assessment and held that the appellant had not claimed that the Parliament should be ordered to pay the costs;Dismisses the appeal as to the remainder;Dismisses the action brought by Mr L before the Civil Service Tribunal in Case [confidential] as to the remainder;Orders each party to bear its own costs relating both to the first instance proceedings and the app

eal proceedings.



1 OJ C 340, 19.11.2011.