Order of the President of the General Court of 13 February 2012 - Dansk Automat Brancheforening v Commission

(Case T-601/11 R)

(Interim measures - State aid - Danish law instituting lower duties for providers of online gaming - Decision declaring the aid compatible with the internal market - Application for suspension of operation - Lack of urgency - Weighing up of interests)

Language of the case: Danish


Applicant: Dansk Automat Brancheforening (Fredericia, Denmark) (represented by: K. Dyekjær, T. Høg and J. Flodgaard, lawyers)

Defendant: European Commission (represented by: M. Afonso and C. Barslev, acting as Agents)


Application for suspension of operation of Commission Decision C(2011) 6499 final of 20 September 2011 on the measure No C 35/2010 (ex N 302/2010) which Denmark is planning to implement in the form of duties for online gaming in the Danish Gaming Duties Act

Operative part of the order

1.    The application for interim measures is dismissed.

2.    Costs are reserved.
