Order of the Civil Service Tribunal (Second Chamber) of 15 May 2006 - Schmit v Commission

(Case F-3/05) 1

(Community officials -Promotion - Assessment - Time-limit for complaint -Interest in bringing proceedings - Inadmissibility)

Language of the case: French


Applicant: Nadine Schmit ((Ispra, Italy) (represented by: P.-P. Van Gehuchten, P. Jadoul and Ph. Reyniers, lawyers)

Defendant: Commission of the European Communities (represented by: J. Currall and L. Lozano Palacios, Agents)


First, application for annulment of the decision of 3 December 2003 by which the Commission did not include the applicant among the officials promoted in the 2003 procedure; second, application for annulment of the decision according to which the applicant's competence, performance and conduct in the service were not the subject of a career development report for the 2001-2002 period; third, application for damages for the losses allegedly caused as a result of those decisions.

Operative part of the order

1.    The action is dismissed as inadmissible;

2.    The parties are ordered to bear their own costs.


1 - OJ C 6 of 8.1.2005 (case initially registered before the Court of First Instance of the European Communities under Case T-419/04 and transferred to the Civil Service Tribunal of the European Union by order of 15.12.2005).