Order of the Vice-President of the Court of 18 September 2023 –
Poland v Parliament and Council

(Case C445/23 R)

(Interim relief – Article 263 TFUE – Action for the annulment of an EU act – Article 278 TFUE – Request to suspend the operation of that act – Decision (EU) 2023/852 – Market stability reserve for the EU greenhouse gas emission trading scheme – Increase in the number of allowances placed in reserve – Urgency – Energy security – Deterioration in the economic and social situation of a Member State)

1.      Interim relief – Suspension of operation of a measure – Interim measures – Conditions for granting – Prima facie case – Urgency – Serious and irreparable damage – Cumulative nature – Balancing of all the interests involved – Order of examination and method of verification – Discretion of the court hearing the application for interim relief

(Arts 278 and 279 TFEU; Rules of Procedure of the Court, Art. 160(3))

(see paragraphs 7-9)

2.      Interim relief – Suspension of operation of a measure – Interim measures – Conditions for granting – Serious and irreparable damage – Burden of proof borne by the party seeking the interim measure – Increase in the number of greenhouse gas emission allowances placed in the market stability reserve – Increase in the number of allowances in reserve likely to lead to an increase in the costs of using coal – Lack of proof of serious and irreparable damage

(Arts 278 and 279 TFEU; Rules of Procedure of the Court, Art. 160(3))

(see paragraphs 24-26, 29, 30, 33-44)

3.      Interim relief – Suspension of operation of a measure – Interim measures – Conditions for granting – Serious and irreparable damage – Contested measure infringing a superior rule of law – Condition not automatically fulfilled

(Arts 278 and 279 TFEU; Rules of Procedure of the Court, Art. 160(3))

(see paragraph 28)

Operative part


The application for interim relief is dismissed.


The costs are reserved.