Notice for the OJ


Judgment of the Court of First Instance of 15 September 2005 - Casini v Commission

(Case T-132/03) 1

(Commission officials - Promotion - 2002 procedure - Non-inclusion on the list of officials promoted to Grade A 6 - Duty to state reasons - Consideration of the comparative merits - Manifest error of assessment - Probative nature of subsequent statements of members of the personnel service - Action for annulment - Action for damages)

Language of the case: French


Applicant(s): Paola Casini (Brussels, Belgium) (represented by: G. Vandersanden, lawyer)

Defendant(s): Commission of the European Communities (represented by: V. Joris, Agent, and D. Waelbroeck, lawyer)

Application for

annulment of the decision of the Commission not to promote the applicant to Grade A 6 in respect of the 2002 promotion procedure, and damages for material and non-material damage suffered

Operative part of the judgment

The Court:

1.    Annuls the decision of the Commission of 14 August 2002 not to promote the applicant to Grade A 6 in respect of the 2002 promotion procedure;

2.    Orders the defendant to pay the applicant the sum of EUR 2 000 to compensate for non-material damage she has suffered;

3.    Dismisses the remainder of the action;

4.    Orders the defendant to pay the costs.


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2 - OJ C 146 of 21.6.2003.