Notice for the OJ



of 26 November 2003

in Case T-95/02: Michael Hohenbichler v Commission of the European Communities 1

(Officials - Pensions - Transfer of national pension rights - Calculation of the annual contributions to be taken into account - Annual salary used as reference - Action manifestly devoid of any legal basis)

(Language of the case: French)

In case T-95/02: Michael Hohenbichler, an official of the Commission of the European Communities, residing in Brussels (Belgium), represented by J.-N. Louis, lawyer, with an address for service in Luxembourg, against Commission of the European Communities (Agents: J. Currall and H. Tserepa-Lacombe) - application for annulment of the Commission's decision of 21 May 2001 calculating the annual contributions to be credited for the purpose of transfer to the Community scheme, under Article 11(2) of Annex VIII to the Staff Regulations, of national pension rights acquired by the applicant before his entering the service - the Court of First Instance (Third Chamber), composed of: J. Azizi, President, M. Jaeger and F. Dehousse, Judges; H. Jung, Registrar, has made an order on 26 November 2003, in which it:

dismisses the action as being manifestly devoid of any legal basis;

orders the parties to bear their own costs.


1 - OJ C 144 of 15.6.02