Judgment of the General Court of 30 April 2014 — Tisza Erőmű v Commission

(Case T-468/08) 1

(State aid — Aid awarded by the Hungarian authorities to certain electricity generators — Power purchase agreements concluded between a public undertaking and certain electricity generators — Decision declaring the State aid incompatible with the common market and ordering its recovery — Obligation to state reasons — Concept of State aid — Advantage — Selective nature — State resources — Im

sented by: L. Flynn, N. Khan a

nd K. Ta

labér-Ritz, acting as Agents)Re:Application for the annulment of Commission Decision 2009/609/EC of 4 June 2008 on the State aid C 41/05 awarded by Hungary through Power Purchase Agreements (OJ 2009 L 225, p. 53).Operative part of the judgmentThe Court:1)    Dismisses the action;2)    Orders Tisza Erőmű kft to pay the costs, including those incu

cle 10 of the Energy Charter Treaty)Language of the case: EnglishPartiesApplicant: Tisza Erőmű kft, formerly AES-Tisza Erőmű kft (Tiszaújváros, Hungary) (represented initially by T. Ottervanger and E. Henny, lawyers, and subsequently by T. Ottervanger)Defendant: European Commission (represented by: L. Flynn, N. Khan and K. Talabér-Ritz, acting as Agents)Re:Application for the annulment of Commission Decision 2009/609/EC of 4 June 2008 on the State aid C 41/05 awarded by Hungary through Power Purchase Agreements (OJ 2009 L 225, p. 53).Operative part of the judgmentThe Court:1)    Dismisses the action;2)    Orders Tisza Erőmű kft to pay the costs, including those incurred in the proceedings for interim measures.