Judgment of the General Court (First Chamber) of 23 October 2012 — Vanhecke v Parliament

(Case T-14/09)

Privileges and immunities — Member of the Parliament — Waiver of immunity — Action for annulment — No further interest in bringing proceedings — No need to adjudicate

Actions for annulment — Natural or legal persons — Interest in bringing proceedings — Need for an actual and current interest — Action for annulment of a decision to waive the immunity of a Member of the European Parliament — National criminal proceedings terminated by a discharge — National court decision acquiring force of res judicata after the bringing of the annulment action — No further interest in bringing an action — No need to adjudicate (Art. 230 EC; Rules of Procedure of the General Court, Art. 113) (see paras 23-29)


APPLICATION for annulment of the decision of the European Parliament of 18 November 2008 waiving the parliamentary immunity of the applicant.

Operative part

The Court:


Declares that there is no need to adjudicate on the present action;


Orders each party to bear its own costs.