Judgment of the General Court of 28 September 2016 — Klein v Commission

(Case T-309/10 RENV) 1

(Non-contractual liability — Directive 93/42/EEC — Harmonised system for the safety and health protection of patients, users and, where appropriate, other persons, with regard to the use of medical devices — Article 8 — Notification of a decision prohibiting placing on the market — No position adopted by the Commission — Article 18 — Wrongful CE marking — Harm — Sufficiently serious breach of a rule of law conferring rights on individuals — Causal link)

Language of the case: German


Applicant: Christoph Klein (Großgmain, Austria) (represented initially by: H.-J. Ahlt and M. Ahlt, and subsequently by: H.-J. Ahlt, lawyers)

Defendant: Commission (represented by: A. Sipos and G. von Rintelen, acting as Agents, and C. Winkler, lawyer)

Intervener in support of the defendant: Federal Republic of Germany (represented by: T. Henze and J. Möller, acting as Agents)


Application on the basis of Article 268 TFEU seeking compensation for the harm allegedly suffered by the applicant as a result of the breach by the Commission of its obligations under Article 8 of Council Directive 93/42/EEC of 14 June 1993 concerning medical devices (OJ 1993 L 169, p. 1).

Operative part of the judgment

The Court:

Dismisses the action;

Orders Mr Christoph Klein, the European Commission and the Federal Republic of Germany to bear their own costs.


1 OJ C 347, 26.11.2011.