Judgment of the Civil Service Tribunal of 7 November 2007 - Jacques Hinderyckx v Council

(Case F-57/06) 1

(Officials - Promotion - 2005 Promotion Exercise - Non-inclusion in list of promoted officials - Infringement of Article 45 of the Staff Regulations -Consideration of comparative merits - Staff reports from different institutions)

Language of the case: French


Applicant: Jacques Hinderyckx (Brussels, Belgium) (represented by: J.Martin, lawyer)

Defendant: Council of the European Union (represented by: M. Simm and M. Bauer, agents)


Annulment of the decision not to promote the applicant to Grade B*8 in the 2005 promotion exercise, and application for compensation

Operative part of the judgment

The Tribunal:

dismisses the action;

orders the Council of the European Union, in addition to its own costs, to bear one third of the costs of Mr Hinderyckx

orders Mr Hinderyckx to bear two thirds of his costs


1 - OJ C 178 of 29.07.2006.,p. 34