Judgment of the Civil Service Tribunal (Second Chamber) of 24 April 2008 -Longinidis v Cedefop

(Case F-74/06) 1

(Staff case - Members of the temporary staff - Reassignment - Appeals Committee - Composition and internal rules of procedure - Unfair behaviour - Dismissal - Statement of reasons - Manifest error of assessment - Misuse of powers)

Language of the case: Greek


Applicant: Pavlos Longinidis (Panorama, Greece) (represented by: N. Korogiannakis and N. Keramidas, lawyers)

Defendant: European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) (represented by: M. Fuchs, Agent, and P. Anestis, lawyer)


First, annulment of the decision of the Directorate of the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) of 30 November 2005 terminating the applicant's indefinite term contract along with a series of decisions concerning inter alia Cedefop's Appeals Committee and, second, a claim for damages.

Operative part of the judgment

The Tribunal:

Dismisses the action as partly inadmissible and partly unfounded;

Orders each party to bear its own costs.


1 - OJ C 237, 30.09.2006, p. 15.