Judgment of the General Court of 9 March 2011 - Commission v Edificios Inteco

(Case T-235/09) 1

(Arbitration clause - Programme concerning the promotion of energy technologies for Europe (Thermie) - Contract concerning the construction in Valladolid (Spain) of a commercial and business centre equipped with a solar powered air conditioning system - Non-performance of the contract - Reimbursement of sums advanced - Late payment interest - Procedure by default)

Language of the case: Spanish


Applicant: European Commission (represented by: G. Valero Jordana)

Defendant: Edificios Inteco SL (Valladolid, Spain) (represented by: C. de la Red Mantilla, lawyer)


Action brought by the Commission pursuant to Article 238 EC for reimbursement of the sum of EUR 157 238.07, paid by it to the defendant in relation to a construction project in Valladolid of a commercial and business centre equipped with a solar powered air conditioning system (contract BU/104/93) plus late payment interest.

Operative part of the judgment

The Court:

Orders Edificios Inteco SL to reimburse to the European Commission the sum of EUR 157 238.07, plus EUR 81 686.22 corresponding to interest due on 1 June 2009;

Orders Edificios Inteco to reimburse the Commission the sum of EUR 21 73796 for each additional day's delay from 2 June 2009 to payment in full of the debt.

Orders Edificios Inteco to pay the costs.


1 - OJ C 220, 12.9.2009.