Notice for the OJ


Action brought on 10 September 2002 by Triantafyllia Dionyssopoulou against Council of the European Union

    (Case T-284/02)

    (Language of the case: French)

An action against the Council of the European Union was brought before the Court of First Instance of the European Communities on10 September 2002 by Triantafyllia Dionyssopoulou, residing in Brussels, represented by Jean A. Martin, lawyer.

The applicant claims that the Court should:

-annul the decision of the Council not to promote the applicant to Grade C 2 during the 2001 promotion procedure;

-order the Council to pay to the applicant EUR 300 000 to compensate her for all the damage suffered by her;

-order the Council to pay the costs.

Pleas in law and main arguments

In support of her arguments, the applicant alleges manifest error of assessment in that the defendant has failed to take into account, even in the alternative, the length of the applicant's period of service in her grade. The applicant alleges moreover that the defendant failed to observe Article 5 of the Staff Regulations in that there is a contradiction between the applicant's skills and her being kept at her grade. According to the applicant, the defendant has also failed to observe the resolutions adopted by the Joint Committee of 16 July 1993 inasmuch as the defendant took into account the actual number of days worked by the applicant and the number of days taken as sick leave. Finally, the applicant points out that the Staff Regulations require that officials be respected and, if necessary, helped and also lays a duty on the employer to have regard for officials' welfare. In the present case, the applicant is the victim of harassment with the result that progress in her career has been hindered.
