Request for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal Judiciaire de Metz (France) lodged on 30 June 2023 – Caisse autonome de retraite des chirurgiens-dentistes et des sages-femmes (CARCDSF) v E … D …

(Case C-401/23, CARCDSF)

Language of the case: French

Referring court

Tribunal Judiciaire de Metz

Parties to the main proceedings

Applicant: Caisse autonome de retraite des chirurgiens-dentistes et des sages-femmes (CARCDSF)

Defendant: E … D …

Question referred

Must Article 56 TFEU, providing for the freedom to provide services, be interpreted as precluding the obligation to join and to pay contributions to a public social security scheme, laid down in Article L 111-1 of the Social Security Code – in the present case, the CARCDSF old-age pension scheme – taking into account, first, the criterion of consistency, and, second, the criterion of systematicity, in so far as the national restrictive measure pursues the objective of maintaining and guaranteeing the financial balance of the social security system, but without ever achieving it, and by organising the management of recurrent deficits?
