Order of the General Court of 10 September 2014 — Zentralverband des Deutschen Bäckhandwerks v Commission

(Case T-354/13) 

(Action for annulment — Protected geographical indication ‘Kołocz śląski’ or Kołacz śląski’ — Rejection of the application for annulment of the registration — Act not a

and G. von Rintelen, acting a

s Agents

)Re:Annulment of the alleged Commission decision contained in the letter of 8 April 2013 from the Director-General of the Agriculture and Rural Developm

ent Directorate-General of the Commission rejecting as inadmissible the applicant’s request for cancella


of the registration of the term ‘Kołocz śląski’ or ‘Kołacz śląski’ as a protected geographical indication.Operative part of the order1.    The action is dismissed as inadmissible.2.    Zentralverband des Deutschen Bäckhandwerks eV shall pay the costs.