Judgment of the General Court of 9 July 2013 – Arango Jaramillo and Others v EIB

(Case T-234/11 P-RENV-RX) 1

(Appeal – Civil service – Staff of the EIB – Review of the judgment of the General Court – Action at first instance dismissed as inadmissible – Pensions – Increase in the contribution to the pension scheme – Time-limit for bringing proceedings – Reasonable period)

Language of the case: French


Appellants: Oscar Orlando Arango Jaramillo (Luxembourg, Luxembourg) and the 34 other appellants whose names are set out in the annex to the judgment (represented by: B. Cortese and C. Cortese, lawyers)

Other party to the proceedings: European Investment Bank (EIB) (represented by: C. Gómez de la Cruz and T. Gilliams, acting as Agents, and by P.-E. Partsch, lawyer)


Appeal against the order of the European Union Civil Service Tribunal (First Chamber) of 4 February 2011 in Case F-34/10 Arango Jaramillo and Others v EIB [2011] ECR-SC I-A-1-0000 and II-A-1-0000, seeking to have that order set aside.

Operative part of the judgment

The Court:

Sets aside the order of the European Union Civil Service Tribunal (First Chamber) of 4 February 2011 in Case F-34/10 Arango Jaramillo and Others v EIB;

Refers the case back to the Civil Service Tribunal;

Reserves the costs.


1 OJ C 211, 16.7.2011.