Order of the General Court (Seventh Chamber) of 12 May 2015 —
Stichting Woonpunt and Others v Commission

(Case T‑203/10 RENV)

State aid — Social housing — Scheme of aid granted to housing corporations — Existing aid — Decision accepting Member State’s commitments — Action manifestly lacking any foundation in law

1.                     State aid — Existing aid — Examination by the Commission of the compatibility of the aid with the internal market — Undertakings given by the paying Member State — Discretion of the Commission — Judicial review — Limits (Council Regulation No 659/1999, Arts 18, 19(1), and 26(1)) (see paras 56-59, 73, 82, 87)

2.                     State aid — Existing aid — Permanent examination by the Commission with the Member States — Measures proposed to the Member States in the context of that examination — Acceptance by States — Binding effect (Art. 108(1) TFEU; Council Regulation No 659/1999, Art. 19) (see paras 62-65, 79)


APPLICATION for annulment of Commission Decision C(2009) 9963 final of 15 December 2009 relating to State aid E 2/2005 and N 642/2009 — Netherlands — Existing and special project aid to housing corporations.

Operative part


The action is dismissed.


Stichting Woonpunt, Stichting Havensteder, Woningstichting Haag Wonen and Stichting Woonbedrijf SWS.Hhvl are ordered to bear their own costs and pay those incurred by the European Commission.


The Kingdom of Belgium and Vereniging van Institutionele Beleggers in Vastgoed, Nederland (IVBN) are ordered to bear their own costs.