Request for a preliminary ruling from the Kúria (Hungary) lodged on 28 June 2022 – MOL Magyar Olaj- és Gázipari Nyrt. v Mercedes-Benz Group AG

(Case C-425/22)

Language of the case: Hungarian

Referring court


Parties to the main proceedings

Applicant: MOL Magyar Olaj- és Gázipari Nyrt.

Defendant: Mercedes-Benz Group AG

Questions referred

Where a parent company brings an action for damages in respect of the anti-competitive conduct of another company in order to obtain compensation for the damage suffered as a result of that conduct solely by its subsidiaries, does the registered office of the parent company determine the forum of jurisdiction, as the place where the harmful event occurred for the purposes of Article 7(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1215/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2012 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters (‘the Brussels Ia Regulation’)? 1

Is the fact that, at the time of the purchases at issue in the proceedings, not all the subsidiaries belonged to the parent company’s group of companies relevant for the purposes of the application of Article 7(2) of the Brussels Ia Regulation?


1 OJ 2012 L 351, p. 1.