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    146552 document(s)
         Case      Document Date Name of the parties Subject-matter Curia EUR-Lex Autres Liens
    T-569/12 Removal (OJ)
    05/09/2014 Marouf v Council
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    T-568/12 Application (OJ)
    15/02/2013 Golam v OHMI - Derby Cycle Werke (FOCUS extreme)
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    T-568/12 Judgment
    04/04/2014 Golam v OHMI - Derby Cycle Werke (FOCUS extreme)
    EUR-Lex text
    T-568/12 Judgment (OJ)
    08/05/2014 Golam v OHMI - Derby Cycle Werke (FOCUS extreme)
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    T-568/12 Judgment (Information)
    04/04/2014 Golam v OHMI - Derby Cycle Werke (FOCUS extreme)
    EUR-Lex text
    T-567/12 Application (OJ)
    15/02/2013 Kaatsu Japan v OHIM (KAATSU)
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    T-567/12 Order
    19/06/2014 Kaatsu Japan v OHIM (KAATSU)
    EUR-Lex text
    T-567/12 Judgment
    07/11/2014 Kaatsu Japan v OHIM (KAATSU)
    EUR-Lex text
    T-567/12 Judgment (OJ)
    05/12/2014 Kaatsu Japan v OHIM (KAATSU)
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    T-567/12 Judgment (Information)
    07/11/2014 Kaatsu Japan v OHIM (KAATSU)
    EUR-Lex text
    T-566/12 AJ Order
    05/03/2013 EN v Juges d'application des peines du TGI de Paris and Procureur du TGI d'Albi
    EUR-Lex text
    T-565/12 Application (OJ)
    08/02/2013 National Iranian Tanker Company v Council
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    T-565/12 Judgment
    03/07/2014 National Iranian Tanker Company v Council
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    T-565/12 Judgment (OJ)
    01/08/2014 National Iranian Tanker Company v Council
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    T-565/12 Judgment (Summary)
    03/07/2014 National Iranian Tanker Company v Council
    EUR-Lex text
    T-564/12 Application (OJ)
    08/02/2013 Ministry of Energy of Iran v Council
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    T-564/12 Judgment
    08/09/2015 Ministry of Energy of Iran v Council
    EUR-Lex text
    T-564/12 Judgment (OJ)
    02/10/2015 Ministry of Energy of Iran v Council
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    T-564/12 Judgment (Summary)
    08/09/2015 Ministry of Energy of Iran v Council
    EUR-Lex text
    T-563/12 Application (OJ)
    08/02/2013 Central Bank of Iran v Council
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