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    146565 document(s)
         Case      Document Date Name of the parties Subject-matter Curia EUR-Lex Autres Liens
    T-497/11 Judgment (Information)
    05/09/2012 Euro-Information v OHIM (EURO AUTOMATIC PAIEMENT)
    EUR-Lex text
    T-496/11 Application (OJ)
    28/10/2011 United Kingdom v ECB
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    T-496/11 Judgment
    04/03/2015 United Kingdom v ECB
    EUR-Lex text
    T-496/11 Judgment (OJ)
    27/03/2015 United Kingdom v ECB
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    T-496/11 Judgment (Summary)
    04/03/2015 United Kingdom v ECB
    EUR-Lex text
    T-495/11 Application (OJ)
    11/11/2011 Streng v OHMI - Gismondi (PARAMETRICA)
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    T-495/11 Judgment
    30/01/2014 Streng v OHMI - Gismondi (PARAMETRICA)
    EUR-Lex text
    T-495/11 Judgment (OJ)
    21/02/2014 Streng v OHMI - Gismondi (PARAMETRICA)
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    T-495/11 Judgment (Information)
    30/01/2014 Streng v OHMI - Gismondi (PARAMETRICA)
    EUR-Lex text
    T-494/11 Application (OJ)
    21/10/2011 Missir Mamachi di Lusignano and Others v Commission
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    T-494/11 Order
    25/11/2015 Missir Mamachi di Lusignano and Others v Commission
    EUR-Lex text
    T-494/11 Removal (OJ)
    08/01/2016 Missir Mamachi di Lusignano and Others v Commission
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    T-493/11 AJ Order
    06/12/2011 BX v Delegación del Gobierno en Extrémadura
    EUR-Lex text
    T-492/11 Application (OJ)
    18/11/2011 "Rauscher" Consumer Products v OHIM (Représentation d'un tampon)
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    T-492/11 Judgment
    12/09/2013 "Rauscher" Consumer Products v OHIM (Représentation d'un tampon)
    EUR-Lex text
    T-492/11 Judgment (OJ)
    11/10/2013 "Rauscher" Consumer Products v OHIM (Représentation d'un tampon)
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    T-492/11 Judgment (Information)
    12/09/2013 "Rauscher" Consumer Products v OHIM (Représentation d'un tampon)
    EUR-Lex text
    T-491/11 P-DEP Order
    16/05/2014 Marcuccio v Commission
    EUR-Lex text
    T-491/11 P Order
    20/11/2012 Marcuccio v Commission
    EUR-Lex text
    T-491/11 P Application (OJ)
    21/10/2011 Marcuccio v Commission
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