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    146455 document(s)
         Case      Document Date Name of the parties Subject-matter Curia EUR-Lex Autres Liens
    T-521/13 Judgment
    07/07/2015 Alpinestars Research v OHMI - Tung Cho and Wang Yu (A ASTER)
    EUR-Lex text
    T-521/13 Judgment (OJ)
    07/08/2015 Alpinestars Research v OHMI - Tung Cho and Wang Yu (A ASTER)
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    T-521/13 Judgment (Information)
    07/07/2015 Alpinestars Research v OHMI - Tung Cho and Wang Yu (A ASTER)
    EUR-Lex text
    T-520/13 Application (OJ)
    08/11/2013 Philip Morris Benelux v Commission
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    T-520/13 Order (OJ)
    30/10/2015 Philip Morris Benelux v Commission
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    T-519/13 Application (OJ)
    08/11/2013 Leder & Schuh International v OHMI - Epple (VALDASAAR)
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    T-519/13 Judgment
    09/12/2014 Leder & Schuh International v OHMI - Epple (VALDASAAR)
    EUR-Lex text
    T-519/13 Judgment (OJ)
    16/01/2015 Leder & Schuh International v OHMI - Epple (VALDASAAR)
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    T-519/13 Judgment (Information)
    09/12/2014 Leder & Schuh International v OHMI - Epple (VALDASAAR)
    EUR-Lex text
    T-518/13 Application (OJ)
    15/11/2013 Future Enterprises v EUIPO - McDonald's International Property (MACCOFFEE)
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    T-518/13 Judgment
    05/07/2016 Future Enterprises v EUIPO - McDonald's International Property (MACCOFFEE)
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    T-518/13 Judgment (OJ)
    05/08/2016 Future Enterprises v EUIPO - McDonald's International Property (MACCOFFEE)
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    T-518/13 Judgment (Summary)
    05/07/2016 Future Enterprises v EUIPO - McDonald's International Property (MACCOFFEE)
    EUR-Lex text
    T-517/13 Application (OJ)
    15/11/2013 Éditions Quo Vadis v OHMI - Gómez Hernández ("QUO VADIS")
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    T-517/13 Judgment
    29/10/2015 Éditions Quo Vadis v OHMI - Gómez Hernández ("QUO VADIS")
    EUR-Lex text
    T-517/13 Judgment (OJ)
    04/12/2015 Éditions Quo Vadis v OHMI - Gómez Hernández ("QUO VADIS")
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    T-517/13 Judgment (Information)
    29/10/2015 Éditions Quo Vadis v OHMI - Gómez Hernández ("QUO VADIS")
    EUR-Lex text
    T-516/13 AJ Order
    04/06/2014 CW v Council
    EUR-Lex text
    T-516/13 Judgment
    30/06/2016 CW v Council
    EUR-Lex text
    T-516/13 Application (OJ)
    19/09/2014 CW v Council
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