Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 9 November 2021

LW v Bundesrepublik Deutschland

Request for a preliminary ruling from the Bundesverwaltungsgericht

Reference for a preliminary ruling – Common policy on asylum and subsidiary protection – Standards for the qualification of third-country nationals or stateless persons as beneficiaries of international protection – Directive 2011/95/EU – Articles 3 and 23 – More favourable standards capable of being retained or introduced by the Member States for the purposes of extending the refugee or subsidiary protection status of a beneficiary of international protection to family members – Grant of a parent’s refugee status to his or her minor child as a derived right – Maintaining family unity – Best interests of the child

Case C-91/20

Top of the page Documents in the Case
Document Date Name of the parties Subject-matter Curia EUR-Lex Autres Liens
Judgment (OJ)
10/12/2021 Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Maintien de l’unité familiale)
09/11/2021 Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Maintien de l’unité familiale)
09/11/2021 Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Maintien de l’unité familiale)
Application (OJ)
05/06/2020 Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Maintien de l’unité familiale)
Request for a preliminary ruling
24/02/2020 Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Maintien de l’unité familiale)
12/05/2021 Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Maintien de l’unité familiale)
Top of the page Legal analysis of the decision or of the case

Reports of Cases

not yet published (Court Reports - general)


Information not available

Systematic classification scheme

4 Internal policy of the European Union
  4.06 Area of freedom, security and justice
    4.06.01 Border checks, asylum and immigration Asylum policy
4 Internal policy of the European Union
  4.06 Area of freedom, security and justice
    4.06.01 Border checks, asylum and immigration Asylum policy
4 Internal policy of the European Union
  4.06 Area of freedom, security and justice
    4.06.01 Border checks, asylum and immigration Asylum policy
1 The legal order of the European Union
  1.04 Fundamental rights
    1.04.03 The fundamental rights Respect for private and family life
1 The legal order of the European Union
  1.04 Fundamental rights
    1.04.03 The fundamental rights The rights of the child
4 Internal policy of the European Union
  4.06 Area of freedom, security and justice
    4.06.01 Border checks, asylum and immigration Asylum policy

Citations of case-law or legislation

References in grounds of judgment

Operative part



Date of the lodging of the application initiating proceedings

  • 24/02/2020

Date of the Opinion

  • 12/05/2021

Date of the hearing

Information not available

Date of delivery



Publication in the Official Journal

Information not available

Name of the parties

Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Maintien de l’unité familiale)

Notes on Academic Writings

  1. Skibińska, Ewa: Pochodny status uchodźcy : Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Utrzymymanie jedności rodziny), C-91/20, Monitor Prawniczy 2021 Vol. 24 p.00 (PL)
  2. Gazin, Fabienne: Asile - Droit d'asile dérivé d'un enfant mineur, Europe 2022, nº 1 Janvier, comm. 10 (FR)
  3. Carlier, Jean-Yves ; Frasca, Eleonora: Droit européen des migrations, Journal de droit européen 2022, nº 3, p. 131-148 (FR)

Procedural Analysis Information

Source of the question referred for a preliminary ruling

Bundesverwaltungsgericht - Germany


  • area of freedom, security and justice
  • - Immigration policy

Provisions of national law referred to

Asylgesetz (AsylG), art. 3, paragraphe 1, et art. 23, paragraphe 2

Provisions of international law referred to

Convention de Genève relative au statut des réfugiés (28/07/1951), article premier, section A, paragraphe 2) https://www.unhcr.org/fr/4b14f4a62

Procedure and result

  • Reference for a preliminary ruling

Formation of the Court

grande chambre (Cour)



Advocate General

Richard de la Tour

Language(s) of the Case

  • German

Language(s) of the Opinion

  • French