Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 5 December 2017

Criminal proceedings against M.A.S. and M.B.

Request for a preliminary ruling from the Corte costituzionale

Reference for a preliminary ruling — Article 325 TFEU — Judgment of 8 September 2015, Taricco and Others (C‑105/14, EU:C:2015:555) — Criminal proceedings for infringements relating to value added tax (VAT) — National legislation laying down limitation periods liable to prevent the prosecution of infringements — Activities affecting the financial interests of the EU — Obligation to disapply any provisions of national law liable to have an adverse effect on the fulfilment of the Member States’ obligations under EU law — Principle that offences and penalties must be defined by law

Case C-42/17

Top of the page Documents in the Case
Document Date Name of the parties Subject-matter Curia EUR-Lex Autres Liens
Judgment (OJ)
26/01/2018 M.A.S. and M.B.
05/12/2017 M.A.S. and M.B.
Judgment (Summary)
05/12/2017 M.A.S. and M.B.
Application (OJ)
02/06/2017 M.A.S. and M.B.
28/02/2017 M.A.S. and M.B.
18/07/2017 M.A.S. and M.B.
Top of the page Legal analysis of the decision or of the case

Reports of Cases

published in the electronic Reports of Cases (Court Reports - general)


Information not available

Systematic classification scheme

2 Institutional framework of the European Union
  2.06 Financial provisions
    2.06.02 Own resources of the European Union
2 Institutional framework of the European Union
  2.06 Financial provisions
    2.06.02 Own resources of the European Union
1 The legal order of the European Union
  1.04 Fundamental rights
    1.04.03 The fundamental rights Principles of legality and proportionality of criminal offences and penalties
1 The legal order of the European Union
  1.04 Fundamental rights
    1.04.03 The fundamental rights Principles of legality and proportionality of criminal offences and penalties
2 Institutional framework of the European Union
  2.06 Financial provisions
    2.06.02 Own resources of the European Union

Citations of case-law or legislation

References in grounds of judgment

Operative part



Date of the lodging of the application initiating proceedings

  • 26/01/2017

Date of the Opinion

  • 18/07/2017

Date of the hearing

Information not available

Date of delivery



Publication in the Official Journal

Judgment: OJ C 52 from 12.02.2018, p.12

Application: OJ C 195 from 19.06.2017, p.10

Name of the parties

M.A.S. and M.B.

Notes on Academic Writings

  1. Reiß, Wolfram: Nationale Strafgesetze, Vorrang des Unionsrechts und der Grundsat und der Grundsatz nulla poena sine lege, Umsatzsteuer-Rundschau 2017 p.693-705 (DE)
  2. Erbežnik, Anže: Delni kopernikanski obrat Sodišča EU glede razmerja med nacionalnim ustavnim redom in pravom EU, Pravna praksa 2017 nº 49-50 p.38-39 (SL)
  3. Hojnik, Janja: Davčna goljufija kot kaznivo dejanje zoper človekove pravice, Davčno-finančna praksa : davki, finance, zavarovalnistvo 2017 n° 12 p.23-26 (SL)
  4. Reiß, Wolfram: Verurteilung des Mehrwertsteuerhinterziehers nach Ablauf der Strafverfolgungsfrist durch Nichtanwendung der gesetzlichen Verjährungsvorschrift - Grundsatz der Gesetzmäßigkeit der Strafe, Umsatzsteuer-Rundschau 2018 p.87-89 (DE)
  5. Pilz, Stefan: Innerstaatliche Verjährung bei Strafverfahren wegen Mehrwertsteuerstraftaten, Neue juristische Wochenschrift 2018 p.221 (DE)
  6. Meyer, Frank: Juristenzeitung 2018 p.304-308 (DE)
  7. Oelmaier, Alexander: Innerstaatliche Verjährungsvorschriften im Rahmen eines Strafverfahrens wegen Mehrwertsteuerstraftaten, Mehrwertsteuerrecht 2018 p.176-177 (DE)
  8. Burchardt, Dana: Kehrtwende in der Grundrechts- und Vorrangrechtsprechung des EuGH? - Anmerkung zum Urteil des EuGH vom 5.12.2017 in der Rechtssache M.A.S. und M.B. (C-42/17, "Taric co II"), Europarecht 2018 p.248-263 (DE)
  9. Lupo, Ernesto: La sentenza M.A.S. della Corte di giustizia e i suoi effetti : continua la saga Taricco, Quaderni costituzionali 2018 p.225-228 (IT)
  10. Sarmiento, Daniel: Adults in the (Deliberation) Room. A comment on M.A.S., Quaderni costituzionali 2018 p.228-231 (EN)
  11. Marcenò, Valeria: La sentenza M.A.S. : conseguenze di una sovranità incerta, Quaderni costituzionali 2018 p.231-234 (IT)
  12. Viganò, Francesco: Melloni overruled? Considerations on the ‘Taricco II’ judgment of the Court of Justice, New Journal of European Criminal Law 2018 Vol. 9 p.18–23 (EN)
  13. Sicurella, Rosaria: Effectiveness of EU law and protection of fundamental rights, New Journal of European Criminal Law 2018 Vol. 9 p.24–30 (EN)
  14. Pelletier, Marc: La CJUE et le principe non bis in idem: un pas en arrière, deux pas en avant, Revue de droit fiscal 2018 n°14 p. 2-4 (FR)
  15. Amalfitano, Chiara: La vicenda Taricco e il dialogo (?) tra giudici nazionali e Corte di giustizia, Il diritto dell'Unione Europea 2018 p.153-202 (IT)
  16. Montserrat Pappalettere, Eleonora: La sentenza “Taricco bis”: dalla contrapposizione degli ordinamenti al bilanciamento dei princìpi attraverso il dialogo, Il diritto dell'Unione Europea 2018 p.203-221 (IT)
  17. Lazzerini, Nicole: Il rapporto tra primato del diritto dell'Unione e tutela costituzionale dei diritti fondamentali nella sentenza Taricco-bis: buona la seconda?, Rivista di diritto internazionale 2018 p.234-242 (IT)
  18. Meuwese, A.C.M.: Italiaanse btw-fraude leidt tot dialoog over voorrang van het EU-recht, Ars aequi 2018 p.525-526 (NL)
  19. Barkhuysen, T. ; Van Emmerik, M.L.: AB 2018/145 - HvJ EU 5 december 2017, C-42/17, M.A.S., M.B. - Noot, Administratiefrechtelijke beslissingen ; Rechtspraak bestuursrecht 2018 nº 18 p.971-972 (NL)
  20. Klein, Marvin: Friedensgrüße aus Luxemburg : Neue Entwicklungen im europäischen Grundrechteverbund, Die öffentliche Verwaltung 2018 p.605-612 (DE)
  21. Barbieri, Ezio Maria: La Grande Sezione della Corte di giustizia riesamina i problemi posti dal caso Taricco, Rivista italiana di diritto pubblico comunitario 2018 p.256-266 (IT)
  22. Velkaverh, Aleš: Načelo zakonitosti v kazenskem pravu in primarnost prava EU: resničen ali navidezen konflikt?, Odvetnik : revija odvetniške zbornice Slovenije 2018 n° 1 p.45-46 (SL)
  23. Glerum, V.H.: Het Hof preciseert Taricco in het licht van de Italiaanse bezwaren tegen dat arrest: Italië mag het legaliteitsbeginsel (nu nog) toepassen op de verjaring van ernstige btw-fraude, S.E.W. : Tijdschrift voor Europees en economisch recht 2018 p.336-340 (NL)
  24. Szaboova, Gabriela: Supremacy and National Identity after the Taricco II Judgement - Does the Identity Clause have the Potential to Reverse the Established Case Law on Supremacy of EU Law?, Europarättslig tidskrift 2018 nº 3 p.455-465 (EN)
  25. Dubout, Edouard: La primauté du droit de l'Union et le passage au pluralisme constitutionnel, Revue trimestrielle de droit européen 2018 N°3 p.563-586 (FR)
  26. Luciani, Massimo: La dura realtà e il “caso Taricco”, Diritto penale e processo : mensile di giurisprudenza, legislazione e dottrina 2018 p.1284-1288 (IT)
  27. Pulitanò, Domenico: La chiusura della saga Taricco e i problemi della legalità penalistica, Diritto penale e processo : mensile di giurisprudenza, legislazione e dottrina 2018 p.1289-1294 (IT)
  28. Rauchegger, Clara: National constitutional rights and the primacy of EU law: M.A.S., Common Market Law Review 2018 Vol.55 nº 5 p.1521-1547 (EN)
  29. Matějec, Martin: Přednost unijního práva a doktrína controlimiti ve světle rozsudku Taricco, Jurisprudence : specialista na komentování judikatury 2018 nº 3 p.19-25 (CS)
  30. Faggiani, Valentina: El diálogo jurisdiccional tras la sentencia del TJUE M.A.S. y M.B.: entre estándar europeo de protección y tendencias centrípetas, Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo 2018 nº 60 p.639-676 (ES)
  31. Bonelli, Matteo: The Taricco saga and the consolidation of judicial dialogue in the European Union, Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 2018 Vol.25, N°3 p.357-373 (EN)
  32. Mazilu-Babel, Mihaela: „My Baby Shot Me Down'': CJUE. Hotărârea C-42/17 M.A.S şi M.B. Neretroactivitatea interpretării stabilite în Hotărârea Taricco. Principiul legalităţii infracţiunilor şi pedepselor. Reacţia finală a Curţii Constituţionale a Italiei, Pandectele Romane: repertoriu trimestrial de jurisprudenta, doctrina si legislatie 2018 Vol. 4 p.107-118 (RO)
  33. Piccirilli, Giovanni: The "Taricco Saga" : the Italian Constitutional Court continues its European journey, European Constitutional Law Review 2018 Vol.14, Issue 4 p.814-833 (EN)
  34. Pomahač, Richard: Soudní dvůr EU : Zásada zákonnosti trestných činů a trestů, Právní rozhledy : časopis pro všechna právní odvětví 2018 p.112-114 (CS)
  35. Arvanitis, Dominikos: Dikastīrioy Eyrōpaikīs Enōsīs, Nomiko Vima 2018 p.1149-1152 (EL)
  36. Di Francesco Maesa, Costanza: Effectiveness and Primacy of EU Law v. Higher National Protection of Fundamental Rights and National Identity, Eucrim : The European Criminal Law Associations' Forum 2018 Issue 01 p.50-55 (EN)
  37. Tinière, Romain: III. Droits fondamentaux - Cour de justice, gde ch., 5 décembre 2017, M.A.S. et M.B., aff. C-42/17, ECLI:EU:C:2017:936, Jurisprudence de la CJUE 2017. Décisions et commentaires (Ed. Bruylant - Bruxelles) 2018, p. 131-135 (FR)
  38. Labayle, Henri: XIV. Espace de liberté, de sécurité et de justice - Cour de justice, gde ch., 5 décembre 2017, Procédure pénale c/ M.A.S et M.B, aff. C-42/17, ECLI:EU:C:2017:936, Jurisprudence de la CJUE 2017. Décisions et commentaires (Ed. Bruylant - Bruxelles) 2018, p. 626-630 (FR)
  39. Simon, Denys: Primauté - Droits fondamentaux constitutionnellement garantis, Europe 2018, Février nº 2, Comm. 48 (FR)
  40. Mazilu-Babel, Mihaela: M.A.S. şi M.B. : C-42/17, Pandectele Romane: repertoriu trimestrial de jurisprudenta, doctrina si legislatie 2018 Vol. 4 p. 107-118 (RO)
  41. Facchinetti, Anna: The Protection of Human Rights in the European Union by means of Judicial Dialogue. A Comment on the ECJ’s Preliminary Ruling in the Taricco II Case, Revista General de Derecho Europeo 2018, nº 45, p. 252-275 (EN)
  42. Lochmann, Moritz: Taricco I — ein Ultra-vires-Akt? Zur Rechtsfortbildung durch den EuGH, Europarecht 2019 p.61-85 (DE)
  43. Doktór-Bindas, Kamila: Odesłanie prejudycjalne włoskiego Sądu Konstytucyjnego w sprawie przeciwko M.A.S. i M.B. (tzw. Taricco bis). Glosa do wyroku Trybunału Sprawiedliwości z 5.12.2017 r., C-42/17*, Państwo i Prawo 2019 Vol. 7 p.147-156 (PL)
  44. Rubino, Vito: La tutela interordinamentale dei diritti fondamentali dopo la sentenza n. 115/2018 della Corte costituzionale italiana: quali ricadute nello spazio economico e giuridico europeo?, Diritto comunitario e degli scambi internazionali 2019 p. 123-140 (IT)
  45. Amatucci, Fabrizio: I principi riconosciuti dalla sentenza Taricco II e l'effettività del sistema sanzionatorio tributario complessivo, Rivista di diritto tributario internazionale 2019 nº 1 p. 39-56 (IT)
  46. Pellegrini, Daniele: I controlimiti al primato del diritto dell’Unione europea nel dialogo tra le Corti, Firenze University Press 2021, p. 82-97 (IT)
  47. Tizzano, Antonio: Les relations entre juridictions en Europe, Building the European Union: The Jurist’s View of the Union’s Evolution Hart Publishing, 2021, p. 223-236 (FR)
  48. Marciano, Alessandro: The Dialogue between Courts in the so-called Taricco Saga, Building the European Union: The Jurist’s View of the Union’s Evolution Hart Publishing, 2021, p. 237-244 (EN)
  49. Blanquet, Marc: 57. Droits fondamentaux - Pluralisme juridique - Double préjudicialité. CJUE, gr. ch., 8 sept. 2015, n° C-105/14, Procédure pénale contre lvo Taricco e.a et CJUE, gr. ch., 5 déc. 2017, n° C-42/17, Procédure pénale contre M.A.S. et M.B., Les grands arrêts de la Cour de justice de l'Union européenne. Droit constitutionnel et institutionnel de l'Union européenne (Dalloz, 2e édition) 2023, p. 933-942 (FR)

Procedural Analysis Information

Source of the question referred for a preliminary ruling

Corte costituzionale - Italy


  • Financial provisions

Provisions of national law referred to

Information not available

Provisions of international law referred to

Information not available

Procedure and result

  • Reference for a preliminary ruling
  • Reference for a preliminary ruling : case not proceeding to judgment

Formation of the Court

grande chambre (Cour)


da Cruz Vilaça

Advocate General


Language(s) of the Case

  • Italian

Language(s) of the Opinion

  • French