Judgment of the Court of 18 October 1990.

Massam Dzodzi v Belgian State.

References for a preliminary ruling: Tribunal de première instance de Bruxelles and Cour d'appel de Bruxelles - Belgium.

Preliminary rulings - Jurisdiction of the Court - Reference in national legislation to provisions of Community law - Right of residence - Right to remain - Directive 64/221/EEC.

Joined cases C-297/88 and C-197/89.

Top of the page Legal analysis of the decision or of the case

Reports of Cases

1990 I-03763

Swedish X/00531 Finnish X/00555


Information not available

Systematic classification scheme

B European Community (EEC/EC)
  B-04 Free movement of persons and services
    B-04.02 Workers
      B-04.02.00 General
B European Community (EEC/EC)
  B-19 Legal proceedings
    B-19.04 Reference for a preliminary ruling
      B-19.04.01 Reference to the Court of Justice
        B- Exclusive nature of the role of the national court in making the reference
B European Community (EEC/EC)
  B-19 Legal proceedings
    B-19.04 Reference for a preliminary ruling
      B-19.04.02 Jurisdiction of the Court of Justice
B European Community (EEC/EC)
  B-04 Free movement of persons and services
    B-04.01 Right of entry and of residence
      B-04.01.03 Procedural guarantees
B European Community (EEC/EC)
  B-04 Free movement of persons and services
    B-04.01 Right of entry and of residence
      B-04.01.03 Procedural guarantees

Citations of case-law or legislation

References in grounds of judgment

Operative part



Date of the lodging of the application initiating proceedings

  • 12/10/1988

Date of the Opinion

  • 03/07/1990

Date of the hearing

Information not available

Date of delivery



Publication in the Official Journal

Applications: OJ C 293 from 17.11.1988, p.8 ; OJ C 184 from 21.07.1989, p.7

Judgment: OJ C 288 from 16.11.1990, p.6

Name of the parties

Dzodzi v Belgian State

Notes on Academic Writings

  1. Martin, Denis: Du bon usage de l'article 177 du traité de Rome, Revue de jurisprudence de Liège, Mons et Bruxelles 1991 p.189-191 (FR)
  2. Simon, Denys: Chronique de jurisprudence de la Cour de justice des Communautés européennes. Institutions et ordre juridique communautaire, Journal du droit international 1991 p.455-457 (FR)
  3. Verschueren, Herwig: L'arrêt Dzodzi et l'équilibre précaire entre le droit national et le droit communautaire, Revue du droit des étrangers 1991 p.95-99 (FR)
  4. X: Il Foro italiano 1991 IV Col.217-219 (IT)
  5. Rodière, Pierre: Sur les effets directifs du droit (social) communautaire, Revue trimestrielle de droit européen 1991 p.565-586 (FR)
  6. Bravo-Ferrer Delgado, Miguel ; La Casta Muñoa, Nieves: Common Market Law Review 1992 p.152-159 (EN)
  7. Verschueren, Herwig: Het arrest Dzodzi en het delicate evenwicht tussen het nationale recht en het europese gemeenschapsrecht, Tijdschrift voor vreemdelingenrecht 1992 p.25-30 (NL)
  8. Arnull, Anthony: The Evolution of the Court's Jurisdiction under Article 177 EEC, European Law Review 1993 p.129-137 (EN)
  9. Banu, Mihai: Hotǎrâre cu titlu preliminar. Competențe ale Curții şi ale instanțelor naționale., Revista română de drept al afacerilor 2009 nº 01 p.133-146 (RO)
  10. Jauréguiberry, Arnaud: La discrimination à rebours devant le juge national, Revue trimestrielle de droit européen 2017 p.39-57 (FR)

Procedural Analysis Information

Source of the question referred for a preliminary ruling

Tribunal de première instance de Bruxelles - Belgium


  • Freedom of movement for workers

Provisions of national law referred to

Libellé à effacer

Provisions of international law referred to

Information not available

Procedure and result

  • Reference for a preliminary ruling

Formation of the Court

Cour plénière (Cour)



Advocate General


Language(s) of the Case

  • French

Language(s) of the Opinion

  • French