Judgment of the Court (Tenth Chamber) of 30 May 2018

Kenzo Tsujimoto v European Union Intellectual Property Office

Appeal — EU trade mark — Applications for registration of the word mark KENZO ESTATE — Earlier EU word mark KENZO — Regulation (EC) No 207/2009 — Article 8(5) — Relative ground for refusal of registration — Reputation — Due cause

Case C-85/16 P

Top of the page Documents in the Case
Document Date Name of the parties Subject-matter Curia EUR-Lex Autres Liens
Judgment (OJ)
06/07/2018 Tsujimoto v EUIPO
30/05/2018 Tsujimoto v EUIPO
Judgment (Summary)
30/05/2018 Tsujimoto v EUIPO
Application (OJ)
26/08/2016 Tsujimoto v EUIPO
07/12/2017 Tsujimoto v EUIPO
Top of the page Legal analysis of the decision or of the case

Reports of Cases

published in the electronic Reports of Cases (Court Reports - general)


Information not available

Systematic classification scheme

4 Internal policy of the European Union
  4.11 Approximation of laws
    4.11.03 European Union trade mark Procedure and legal proceedings Appeals
 Appeals before the Boards of Appeal
4 Internal policy of the European Union
  4.11 Approximation of laws
    4.11.03 European Union trade mark Relative grounds for refusal Earlier trade mark which has a reputation
3 Legal proceedings
  3.10 Appeals
    3.10.03 Grounds of appeal Substance of the pleas in law Infringement of EU law
 Insufficient or contradictory reasoning for the decision under appeal
4 Internal policy of the European Union
  4.11 Approximation of laws
    4.11.03 European Union trade mark Relative grounds for refusal Earlier trade mark which has a reputation
4 Internal policy of the European Union
  4.11 Approximation of laws
    4.11.03 European Union trade mark Relative grounds for refusal Signs examined
 Earlier trade mark which has a reputation

Citations of case-law or legislation

References in grounds of judgment

Operative part



Date of the lodging of the application initiating proceedings

  • 11/02/2016

Date of the Opinion

  • 07/12/2017

Date of the hearing

Information not available

Date of delivery



Publication in the Official Journal

Judgment: OJ C 259 from 23.07.2018, p.2

Application: OJ C 335 from 12.09.2016, p.27

Name of the parties

Tsujimoto v EUIPO

Notes on Academic Writings

  1. Verschuur, A.M.E.: Intellectuele eigendom & Reclamerecht 2019 p.315-316 (NL)
  2. Potter, Stéphanie ; Cubitt, Sofie: Over Barbara, Lionel, Quincy en Kenzo: registratie en gebruik van persoonsnamen als merk, Revue de droit commercial belge 2019 p.780-787 (NL)
  3. Górska, Anna: Imię osoby fi zycznej jako znak towarowy – glosa do wyroku Tryb unału Sprawiedliwości z 30.05.2018 r., sprawy połączone C-85/16 P i C-86/16 P, Kenzo Tsujimoto przeciwko Urzędowi Unii Europejskiej ds. Własności Intelektualnej, Glosa : Przegląd Prawa Gospodarczego 2019 Vol. 4 p. 106-114 (PL)

Procedural Analysis Information

Source of the question referred for a preliminary ruling

Information not available


  • Intellectual, industrial and commercial property
  • - Trade marks

Provisions of national law referred to

Information not available

Provisions of international law referred to

Information not available

Procedure and result

  • Actions for annulment
  • Appeals : dismissal on substantive grounds
  • Appeals : dismissal on grounds of inadmissibility

Formation of the Court

dixième chambre (Cour)


Borg Barthet

Advocate General


Language(s) of the Case

  • English

Language(s) of the Opinion

  • English