Judgment of the Court of 11 April 2000.

Christelle Deliège v Ligue francophone de judo et disciplines associées ASBL, Ligue belge de judo ASBL, Union européenne de judo (C-51/96) and François Pacquée (C-191/97).

Reference for a preliminary ruling: Tribunal de première instance de Namur - Belgium.

Freedom to provide services - Competition rules applicable to undertakings - Judokas - Sports rules providing for national quotas and national federations' selection procedures for participation in international tournaments.

Joined cases C-51/96 and C-191/97.

Top of the page Documents in the Case
Document Date Name of the parties Subject-matter Curia EUR-Lex Autres Liens
11/04/2000 Deliège
Judgment (Summary)
11/04/2000 Deliège
18/03/1999 Deliège
Top of the page Legal analysis of the decision or of the case

Reports of Cases

2000 I-02549


Preliminary ruling ─ Tribunal de Première Instance, Namur ─ Interpretation of Articles 59 to 66, 85 and 86 of the EC Treaty (now, after amendment, Articles 49 to 55, 81 and 82 EC) with regard to the rules of an (international) sports association which requires authorization from or selection by the national federation in order to participate international competitions ─ Amateur athlete eligible for professional or semi-professional status ─ Women's judo

Systematic classification scheme

B European Community (EEC/EC)
  B-19 Legal proceedings
    B-19.04 Reference for a preliminary ruling
      B-19.04.02 Jurisdiction of the Court of Justice
B European Community (EEC/EC)
  B-01 Principles and citizenship of the Union
    B-01.02 Objectives and foundations of the Community
B European Community (EEC/EC)
  B-04 Free movement of persons and services
    B-04.02 Workers
      B-04.02.00 General
B European Community (EEC/EC)
  B-04 Free movement of persons and services
    B-04.02 Workers
      B-04.02.00 General
B European Community (EEC/EC)
  B-04 Free movement of persons and services
    B-04.04 Freedom to provide services
      B-04.04.01 The various services
B European Community (EEC/EC)
  B-04 Free movement of persons and services
    B-04.04 Freedom to provide services
      B-04.04.01 The various services

Citations of case-law or legislation

References in grounds of judgment

Operative part



Date of the lodging of the application initiating proceedings

  • 21/02/1996

Date of the Opinion

  • 18/05/1999

Date of the hearing

Information not available

Date of delivery



Publication in the Official Journal

Applications: OJ C 133 from 04.05.1996, p.12 ; OJ C 212 from 12.07.1997, p.18

Judgment: OJ C 176 from 24.06.2000, p.2

Name of the parties


Notes on Academic Writings

  1. Thill, Marc: Les sélections nationales et les quotas nationaux en droit communautaire. Arrêt Deliège de la Cour de justice des Communautés européennes, Bulletin du Cercle François Laurent 2000 nº 3 p.33-45 (FR)
  2. Luijendijk, J. ; Staples, H.: De spelregels van het gemeenschapsrecht, Nederlands tijdschrift voor Europees recht 2000 p.127-131 (NL)
  3. Bisdorff, Marie-Paule: Auswahlverfahren der Sportverbände, European Law Reporter 2000 p.260-261 (DE)
  4. Muñiz, P.: La jurisprudence de la Cour de justice et du Tribunal de première instance. Chronique des arrêts. Arrêt "Deliège", Revue du droit de l'Union européenne 2000 nº 2 p.441-445 (FR)
  5. Thill, Marc: La signification des arrêts Deliège et Lehtonen de la Cour de justice des Communautés européennes pour le sport luxembourgeois, Flambeau - Organe officiel du Comité olympique et sportif luxembourgeois (Ed. Comité olympique et sportif luxembourgeois) 2000 nº 53 p.29-40 (FR)
  6. Carlier, Jean-Yves: Evolution des rapports entre le droit et le sport: à propos des affaires Deliège, Lehtonen et Malaja, Revue de jurisprudence de Liège, Mons et Bruxelles 2000 p.1381-1394 (FR)
  7. Agirreazkuenaga, Iñaki: Función social y perspectiva económica del deporte en el marco comunitario. Especial referencia a los casos Lehtonen y Deliège, Revista de Administración Pública 2000 nº 152 p.109-124 (ES)
  8. Van den Bogaert, Stefaan: The Court of Justice on the Tatami, Ippon, Waza-Ari or Koka?, European Law Review 2000 p.554-563 (EN)
  9. Gogos, Konstantinos E.: Elliniki Epitheorisi Evropaïkou Dikaiou 2000 p.480-485 (EL)
  10. Ennöckl, Daniel: Bosman im Abseits? -. Neue Rsp des EuGH zum Berufs- und Amateursport, Ecolex p.691-695 (DE)
  11. Di Salvo, Roberto: Attenuazione della rilevanza, obblighi di motivazione del giudice a quo e ruolo delle parti nella procedura di rinvio pregiudiziale. "Self-restraint" o aumentata ingerenza della Corte?, in un nascosto "revirement" giurisprudenziale, Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo 2000 p.1185-1194 (IT)
  12. Thill, Marc: La reconnaissance de la spécificité du sport en droit communautaire, Europe 2000 Juin Chron. nº 6 p.4-7 (FR)
  13. Bell, Alasdair ; Turner-Kerr, Peter: The Place of Sport Within the Rules of Community Law: Clarification from the ECJ? The Deliège and Lehtonen Cases, European Competition Law Review 2002 p.256-260 (EN)
  14. Muresan, Remus: Ausnahmen von den EU - Grundfreiheiten im Bereich des Sports nach der «Deliège»-Konzeption, Basler Studien zur Rechtswissenschaft. Schriftenreihe für internationales Recht (Ed. Helbing Lichtenhahn - Basel) 2010 Bd. 115 260 p. (DE)

Procedural Analysis Information

Source of the question referred for a preliminary ruling

Tribunal de première instance de Namur - Belgium


  • Freedom to provide services
  • Competition
  • - Agreements, decisions and concerted practices
  • - Dominant position

Provisions of national law referred to

Information not available

Provisions of international law referred to

Information not available

Procedure and result

  • Reference for a preliminary ruling

Formation of the Court

Cour plénière (Cour)



Advocate General


Language(s) of the Case

  • French

Language(s) of the Opinion

  • Greek