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Numerical access to the case-law

Access to the case-law by case number makes it possible to find information relating to every case brought before the Court of Justice, the Court of First Instance or the Civil Service Tribunal between 1953 and the present day.
Cases are listed by number in the order in which they were lodged at the relevant Registry.
Cases may also be located by party names using the "find (Ctrl+F)" function on the toolbar.

Cases may be consulted by clicking on the case number.
• The texts of judgments and orders in cases lodged up to and including 1997 which have been published in the European Court Reports may be consulted by clicking on the case number and following the link to EUR-Lex, the interinstitutional database.
• Cases lodged since 1998 may be consulted by clicking on the case number and following that link to all the texts relating to the case in question which are contained in the case-law database of this site.

Cases lodged before the Court of Justice
Cases lodged before the Court of First Instance
Cases lodged before the Civil Service Tribunal
since 1989
since 2005
since 1989
Summaries of pending cases

- List of the cases transferred from the Court of First Instance to the Civil Service Tribunal by orders of 15 December 2005

- Historic case-law judgments in the 2004 accession languages

For the benefit of the public, the electronic version of the texts of the three Community courts is available free of charge on Internet for information purposes. This version is subject to amendment. The definitive version of these texts will be published in the "Reports of Cases before the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance", the "Reports of European Community Staff Cases" or the "Official Journal of the European Union" which alone are authentic and, in the event of their differing from the electronic version, are alone to be regarded as authoritative. Reproduction of the texts supplied on this site is authorised provided that their source and non-authentic character are acknowledged and it is mentioned that they have been provided free of charge.

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