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Press Releases > RSS

What is ‘RSS’ ?

RSS (Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary) is a text format which provides automatic and efficient dissemination of up-to-date topics accessible on the Internet and makes it unnecessary to search for the information yourself. Thus an alert notifies you when press releases are published on-line and enables you to access the full text.

How to set up an RSS feed ?

It is possible to subscribe to a feed by using an RSS reader. Once installed, the RSS system checks, updates and notifies you of new information available on-line.

You can use your usual search engine to select the reader which you prefer amongst those on the market. Please note that different readers run on different operating systems and you should be aware of this when making your choice.

The subscription methods vary according to the reader. The reader which you choose will give you the necessary instructions.

When you have downloaded and installed the reader, follow its instructions to add your choice of feed offered by CVRIA as a new channel.

What information feeds are offered by CVRIA ?

The RSS feeds for press releases are available in 22 languages on the CVRIA site.

To use the RSS in English, enter the following URLs:

EN + FR :