2022 will be an anniversary year for the Court. Established in 1952 as the Court of Justice of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), the Court celebrates 70 years of operation in 2022.


This anniversary invites us not only to look back at the creation and development of the judicial institution common to the 27 Member States of the European Union, but also to reflect on the values that underpin its mission.

The Court is launching new projects, placing citizens at the very heart of its initiatives and strengthening its influence within the Member States.


The celebrations planned include a retrospective campaign – already launched on Twitter and accessible via (#CJEUin70days) – describing, year by year, the main events of the last 70 years and the principal judgments delivered by the Court. A film on the history of the Court and its role in the construction of Europe is also in production. This will be screened for the first time at a special Meeting of Judges on the theme ‘Bringing justice closer to the citizen’, bringing together all the Presidents of the supreme and constitutional courts of the Member States, and will be made available to the general public.

The 70 years of the Court will be highlighted in a series of events organised by the Institution throughout the year. The anniversary will be an opportunity to increase awareness among the public about the Court’s work and its impact on the lives of EU citizens.

Day after day, the Institution, the Judges and Advocates General and all the staff work to safeguard the fundamental principles that bind the Member States and are guaranteed to every citizen, through decisions available in everyone’s language.

The protection of the rule of law and the safeguarding of fundamental rights, equality between men and women, workers, the environment and consumers have been at the heart of the work carried out by the Court of Justice since its first members took office on 4 December 1952.