Security rules and rules of conduct

Visitors present in the buildings of the Court of Justice are required to respect the following security rules and rules of conduct:

  • Due to security checks, visitors are requested to adhere strictly to the timetable for their visits.
  • Visitors are requested to behave discreetly and with restraint throughout their visit to the Court of Justice, and to dress appropriately.
  • Visitors who attend a public hearing are requested to take their seats in the courtroom before the start of the hearing; no entry or exit is permitted during the hearing. Visitors are required to remain silent during the presentation of oral argument. The consumption of food and drink in the courtrooms and meeting rooms is prohibited.
  • Photography or recording of the proceedings is prohibited during hearings. In order to avoid interference with the interpretation equipment, mobile telephones much be switched off.
  • All visitors must have an identification badge which must be worn and visible throughout the visit. For security reasons, visitors to the Court of Justice are allowed only in areas included in the visit programme.
  • Group leaders are requested to supervise visitors throughout their visit to the Court of Justice.
  • The Court of Justice has been obliged to tighten its security measures with regard to access to its buildings. Visitors are therefore requested to comply fully with the instructions of the security guards or the welcoming guide. Please note that visitors’ bags will be checked on arrival.
  • Smoking is prohibited in the buildings of the Court.