Presentation of the Members

Paul J. Mahoney
Paul J. Mahoney

Born in 1946; law studies (Master of Arts, Oxford University, 1967; Master of Laws, University College London, 1969); Lecturer, University College London (1967-73); Barrister (London, 1972-74); Administrator/ Principal Administrator, European Court of Human Rights (1974-90); Visiting Professor at the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada (1988); Head of Personnel, Council of Europe (1990-93); Head of Division (1993-95), Deputy Registrar (1995-2001), Registrar of the European Court of Human Rights (2001 to September 2005); President of the Civil Service Tribunal from 6 October 2005 to 6 October 2011.

Sean Van Raepenbusch
Sean Van Raepenbusch

Born 1956; law graduate (Free University of Brussels, 1979); Special Diploma in International Law (Brussels, 1980); Doctor of Laws (1989); Head of the Legal Service of the Société anonyme du canal et des installations maritimes de Bruxelles (1979-84); official of the Commission of the European Communities (Directorate-General for Social Affairs, 1984-88); member of the Legal Service of the Commission of the European Communities (1988-94); Legal Secretary at the Court of Justice of the European Communities (1994-2005); Lecturer at the University of Charleroi (international and European social law, 1989-91), at the University of Mons Hainault (European law, 1991-97), at the University of Liège (European civil service law, 1989-91; institutional law of the European Union, 1995-2005; European social law, 2004-05) and, since 2006, at the Free University of Brussels (institutional law of the European Union); numerous publications on the subject of European social law and institutional law of the European Union; Judge at the Civil Service Tribunal from 6 October 2005 to 31 August 2016; President of the Civil Service Tribunal from 7 October 2011 to 31 August 2016

Heikki Kanninen
Heikki Kanninen

Born 1952; graduate of the Helsinki School of Economics and of the Faculty of Law of the University of Helsinki; Legal Secretary at the Supreme Administrative Court of Finland; General Secretary to the Committee for Reform of Legal Protection in Public Administration; Principal Administrator at the Supreme Administrative Court; General Secretary to the Committee for Reform of Administrative Litigation, Counsellor in the Legislative Drafting Department of the Ministry of Justice; Assistant Registrar at the EFTA Court; Legal Secretary at the Court of Justice of the European Communities; Judge at the Supreme Administrative Court (1998-2005); member of the Asylum Appeal Board; Vice-Chairman of the Committee on the Development of the Finnish Courts; Judge at the Civil Service Tribunal from 6 October 2005 to 6 October 2009; Judge at the General Court since 7 October 2009; Vice-President of the General Court since 17 September 2013.

Haris Tagaras
Haris Tagaras

Born in 1955; law graduate (University of Thessaloniki, 1977); Special Diploma in European Law (Institute for European Studies, Free University of Brussels, 1980); Doctorate in Law (University of Thessaloniki, 1984); Lawyer-linguist at the Council of the European Communities (1980-82); Researcher at the Thessaloniki Centre for International and European Economic Law (1982-84); Administrator at the Court of Justice of the European Communities and at the Commission of the European Communities (1986-90); Professor of Community Law, International Private Law and Human Rights at Athens Panteion University (since 1990); external consultant for European matters at the Ministry of Justice and member of the Permanent Committee of the Lugano Convention (1991-2004); member of the national Postal and Telecommunications Commission (2000-02); member of the Thessaloniki Bar, lawyer to the Court of Cassation; founder member of the Union of European Lawyers (UAE); associate member of the International Academy of Comparative Law; Judge at the Civil Service Tribunal from 6 October 2005 to 6 October 2011.

Irena Boruta
Irena Boruta

Born in 1950; law graduate of the University of Wrocław (1972), Doctorate in Law (Łodz, 1982); lawyer at the Bar of the Republic of Poland (since 1977); Visiting Researcher (University of Paris X, 1987-88; University of Nantes, 1993-94); expert of Solidarność (1995-2000); Professor of Labour Law and European Social Law at the University of Łodz (1997-98 and 2001-05), Associate Professor at Warsaw School of Economics (2002), Professor of Labour Law and Social Security Law at Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University, Warsaw (2000-05); Deputy Minister for Labour and Social Affairs (1998-2001); member of the negotiation team for the accession of the Republic of Poland to the European Union (1998-2001); representative of the Polish Government to the International Labour Organisation (1998-2001); author of a number of works on labour law and European social law; Judge at the Civil Service Tribunal from 6 October 2005 to 7 October 2013.

Stéphane Gervasoni
Stéphane Gervasoni

Born 1967; graduate of the Institut d'études politiques, Grenoble (1988) and the École nationale d'administration (1993); Junior Officer at the Council of State (Judge-Rapporteur in the Litigation Division (1993-97) and Member of the Social Affairs Division (1996-97)); Legal Adviser at the Council of State (1996-2008); Senior Lecturer at the Institut d'études politiques, Paris (1993-95); Commissaire du gouvernement attached to the Special Pensions Appeal Commission (1994-96); Legal Adviser to the Ministry of the Civil Service and to the City of Paris (1995-97); Secretary-General of the Prefecture of the Département of the Yonne, Sub-Prefect of the District of Auxerre (1997-99); Secretary-General of the Prefecture of the Département of Savoie, Sub-Prefect of the District of Chambéry (1999-2001); Legal Secretary at the Court of Justice of the European Communities (2001-05); full member of the Appeals Board of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) (2001-05); Judge at the European Union Civil Service Tribunal (2005-11, President of Chamber from 2008 to 2011); Councillor of State, Deputy President of the Eighth Chamber of the Litigation Division (2011-13); Member of the Appeals Board of the European Space Agency (2011-13); Judge at the General Court since 16 September 2013.

Horstpeter Kreppel
Horstpeter Kreppel

Born in 1945; university studies in Berlin, Munich, Frankfurt-am-Main (1966-72); first State examination in law (1972); court trainee in Frankfurt-am-Main (1972-73 and 1974-75); College of Europe, Bruges (1973-74); second State examination in law (Frankfurt-am-Main, 1976); specialist adviser in the Federal Labour Office and lawyer (1976); presiding Judge at the Labour Court (Land Hesse, 1977-93); Lecturer at the Technical College for Social Work, Frankfurt-am-Main, and at the Technical College for Administration, Wiesbaden (1979-90); national expert to the Legal Service of the Commission of the European Communities (1993-96 and 2001-05); Social Affairs Attaché at the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Madrid (1996-2001); presiding Judge at the Labour Court of Frankfurt-am-Main (February to September 2005); Judge at the Civil Service Tribunal from 6 October 2005 to 13 april 2016.

Maria Isabel Rofes i Pujol
Maria Isabel Rofes i Pujol

Born in 1956; study of law (law degree, University of Barcelona, 1981); specialisation in international trade (Mexico, 1983); study of European integration (Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, 1985) and of Community law (School of Public Administration, Catalonia, 1986); official of the Government of Catalonia (member of the Legal Service of the Ministry of Industry and Energy, April 1984 to August 1986); member of the Barcelona Bar (1985-87); Administrator, then Principal Administrator, in the Research and Documentation Division of the Court of Justice of the European Communities (1986-94); Legal Secretary at the Court of Justice (Chamber of Advocate General Ruiz-Jarabo Colomer, January 1995 to April 2004; Chamber of Judge Lõhmus, May 2004 to August 2009); Lecturer on Community Cases, Faculty of Law, Autonomous University of Barcelona (1993-2000); numerous publications and courses on European social law; member of the Board of Appeal of the Community Plant Variety Office (2006-09); Judge at the Civil Service Tribunal from 7 October 2009 to 13 april 2016.

Ezio Perillo
Ezio Perillo

Born 1950; Doctor of Laws and lawyer at the Padua Bar; assistant lecturer, then senior researcher in civil and comparative law in the law faculty of the University of Padua (1977-82); lecturer in Community law at the European College, of Parma (1990-98), in the law faculties of the University of Padua (1985-87), the University of Macerata (1991-94) and the University of Naples (1995), and at the University of Milan (2000-01); member of the Scientific Committee for the Master’s in European Integration at the University of Padua; official in the Library, Research and Documentation Directorate of the Court of Justice of the European Communities (1982-84); Legal Secretary at the Court of Justice of the European Communities to Advocate General Mancini (1984-88); Legal Adviser to the Secretary-General of the European Parliament, E. Vinci (1988-93); Head of Division in the Legal Service of the European Parliament (1995-99); Director for Legislative Affairs and Conciliations, Inter-Institutional Relations and Relations with National Parliaments, at the European Parliament (1999-2004); Director for External Relations at the European Parliament (2004-06); Director for Legislative Affairs in the Legal Service of the European Parliament (2006-11); author of a number of publications on Italian civil law and EU law; Judge at the Civil Service Tribunal from 6 October 2011 to 31 August 2016; Judge at the General Court from 19 September 2016 to 26 September 2019.

René Barents
René Barents

Born 1951; graduated in law, specialisation in economics (Erasmus University Rotterdam, 1973); Doctor of Laws (University of Utrecht, 1981); researcher in European law and international economic law (1973-74) and lecturer in European law and economic law at the Europa Institute of the University of Utrecht (1974-79) and at the University of Leiden (1979-81); Legal Secretary at the Court of Justice of the European Communities (1981-86); Head of the Employee Rights Section in the Personnel Division of the Court of Justice of the European Communities (1986-87); Member of the Legal Service of the Commission of the European Communities (1987-91); Legal Secretary at the Court of Justice of the European Communities (1991-2000); Head of Division (2000-09), then Director (2009-11), in the Research and Documentation Directorate of the Court of Justice of the European Union; Professor (1988-2003) and Honorary Professor (since 2003) in European law at the University of Maastricht; Adviser to the Regional Court of Appeal, ’s-Hertogenbosch (1993-2011); Member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (since 1993); numerous publications on European law; Judge at the Civil Service Tribunal from 6 October 2011 to 31 August 2016; Judge at the General Court since 19 September 2016.

Kieran Bradley
Kieran Bradley

Born 1957; law degree (Trinity College, Dublin, 1975-79); Research assistant to Senator Mary Robinson (1978-79 and 1980); Pádraig Pearse Scholarship to study at the College of Europe (1979); postgraduate studies in European law at the College of Europe, Bruges (1979-80); Master's degree in law at the University of Cambridge (1980-81); Trainee at the European Parliament (Luxembourg, 1981); Administrator in the Secretariat of the Committee on Legal Affairs of the European Parliament (Luxembourg, 1981-88); Member of the Legal Service of the European Parliament (Brussels, 1988-95); Legal Secretary at the Court of Justice (1995-2000); Lecturer in European law at Harvard Law School (2000); Member of the Legal Service of the European Parliament (2000-03), then Head of Unit (2003-11) and Director (2011); author of numerous publications; Judge at the Civil Service Tribunal from 6 October 2011 to 31 August 2016.

Jesper Svenningsen
Jesper Svenningsen

Born 1966; study of law (Candidatus juris, University of Aarhus, 1989); trainee lawyer with the Legal Adviser to the Danish Government (1989-91); Legal Secretary at the Court of Justice of the European Communities in the Chambers of Advocate General Gulmann (1991-93); admitted to the bar in Denmark (1993); lawyer with the Legal Adviser to the Danish Government (1993-95); Lecturer in European law at the University of Copenhagen; Senior Lecturer at the European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA) (Luxembourg, 1995-97); lawyer at the Brussels bar (1997); Senior Lecturer, then Acting Director of EIPA (Luxembourg, 1997-99); administrator with the Legal Service of the Surveillance Authority of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) (1999-2000); Legal Secretary at the Court of Justice of the European Communities in the Chambers of Judge Gulmann (2003‑06), then of Judge Bay Larsen (2006-13); Judge at the Civil Service Tribunal from 7 October 2013 to 31 August 2016; Judge at the General Court since 19 September 2016.

João Sant
João Sant'Anna

Born 1957; graduated in law from the University of Lisbon (1980); assistant for administrative law at the University of Lisbon (1979-80); studies in the field of industrial property at the Max Planck Institute, Munich (1982-84); administrator, then head of division, at the Ministry of the Interior (1980-86); lawyer at the Lisbon Bar (1981-86); at the European Parliament: administrator in the Directorate-General for Information and Public Relations (1986-87), in the Directorate-General for Research and Documentation (1987-92), in the Directorate-General for Personnel, Budget and Finance (1992-96) and in the Legal Service (1996-2000); Head of the Administration and Finance Department (2000-07), then Head of the Legal Department (2007-11) and of Directorate A (2012-15), of the European Ombudsman; Judge at the Civil Service Tribunal from 13 April 2016 to 31 August 2016.

Alexander Kornezov
Alexander Kornezov

Born 1978; graduated in law from St Kliment Ohridski University, Sofia (2002), and Master of Laws in European law from the College of Europe (Bruges, 2004); Doctor of Laws (2008); lawyer at the Brussels Bar (2004-06); Senior Lecturer in EU procedural law at the University of National and World Economy, Sofia (2008-12), and St Kliment Ohridski University, Sofia (2010-13); Associate Professor of EU Law and International Private Law at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (since 2014); Guest lecturer at the University of Cambridge and at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; Legal Secretary at the Court of Justice of the European Union (2007-16); founding member and member of the board of directors of the Bulgarian Association for European Law; editor-in-chief of the European law journal Evropeiski praven pregled; author of numerous publications in the field of European law; Judge at the Civil Service Tribunal from 13 April 2016 to 31 August 2016; Judge at the General Court since 19 September 2016.

Waltraud Hakenberg
Waltraud Hakenberg

Born 1955; studied law in Regensburg and Geneva (1974-79); first State examination (1979); postgraduate studies in Community law at the College of Europe, Bruges (1979-80); trainee lawyer in Regensburg (1980-83); Doctor of Laws (1982); second State examination (1983); lawyer in Munich and Paris (1983-89); official at the Court of Justice of the European Communities (1990-2005); Legal Secretary at the Court of Justice of the European Communities (in the Chambers of Judge Jann, 1995-2005); teaching for a number of universities in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Russia; Honorary Professor at Saarland University (since 1999); member of various legal committees, associations and boards; numerous publications on Community law and Community procedural law; Registrar of the Civil Service Tribunal from 30 November 2005 to 31 August 2016; died on 20 January 2024.