Looking ahead

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‘United in diversity’, the motto of the European Union, is founded upon common values and diverse traditions. In 2023, the Court will celebrate multilingualism, a core value of the European project and a key element in the operation of the EU courts.


Multilingualism gives concrete expression to the fundamental principle of the equality of European citizens and is a pillar of European integration. Access to EU law is guaranteed in each official language: every citizen of the European Union can learn about EU law in their own language and rely – again in their own language – on the rights afforded to them by the European Treaties. Multilingualism also enables citizens to be treated equally in their access to justice and case-law. For its implementation, the Court relies on its lawyer-linguists and interpreters, who work on a daily basis in the 24 official languages (552 possible language combinations).

Thus, 2023 will see the completion of a number of projects which relate to that value, including the inauguration of a Garden of Multilingualism. In cooperation with the Luxembourg authorities, the Court is participating in the creation of a new green space intended to pay tribute to the EU’s linguistic richness and diversity. Open to the public and adjoining the Court buildings, it will help familiarise citizens with multilingualism, a value which the Court has fervently defended since its founding. Audiovisual content explaining the work of lawyer-linguists and interpreters, as well as an interpretation booth, will offer the public an immersive and enriching experience.

Moreover, a website dedicated to multilingualism will be launched, and a three-volume work on multilingualism and the law will also be published. That work describes in the 24 official languages the operation of the EU courts and features contributions from eminent figures from the Member States, each giving their views on multilingualism in legal and administrative contexts. The texts will be available on the website mentioned above in all the official languages.


In addition, in order to get closer to the general public and legal professionals, a new communication channel will be added in the near future to those channels that already exist, in particular the Institution’s website and social media: Curia Web TV, an online television channel. It will be broadcast on the CVRIA website and will provide greater transparency for European citizens, including the youngest, by offering them access to audiovisual content and keeping them informed about the Court’s institutional and judicial activities.

In the context of the overall plan in favour of inclusion, the Court, in 2023, will continue its work to improve and promote the inclusion of persons living with a disability and to facilitate support and assistance for carers.

Lastly, significant efforts will be made to harness the potential of emerging technologies to further digital transformation and innovation in 2023. Research and experiments led within the innovation laboratory will be carried out in close collaboration with departments in relation to concrete needs directly linked to the implementation of tools for the performance of the judicial mission. More specifically, work will continue in the field of automatic text analysis, reference detection, automated transcription, accessibility and robotic process automation.

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