An Chúirt Ghinearálta

José Luis da Cruz Vilaça
José Luis da Cruz Vilaça

Born 1944; degree in law and master's degree in political economy at the University of Coimbra; Doctor in International Economics (University of Paris I - Panthéon Sorbonne); compulsory military service performed in the Ministry for the Navy (Justice Department, 1969-72); Professor at the Catholic University and the New University of Lisbon; formerly Professor at the University of Coimbra and at Lusíada University, Lisbon (Director of the Institute for European Studies); Member of the Portuguese Government (1980-83): State Secretary for Home Affairs, State Secretary in the Prime Minister's Office and State Secretary for European Affairs; Deputy in the Portuguese Parliament, Vice-President of the Christian-Democrat Group; Advocate General at the Court of Justice (1986-88); President of the Court of First Instance of the European Communities (1989-95); lawyer at the Lisbon bar, specialising in European and competition law (1996-2012); member of the Working Party on the Future of the European Communities' Court System - ‘Due Group' (2000); Chairman of the Disciplinary Board of the European Commission (2003-07); President of the Portuguese Association of European Law (since 1999); Judge at the Court of Justice from 8 October 2012 to 8 October 2018.

Donal Patrick Michael Barrington
Donal Patrick Michael Barrington

Born 1928; Barrister; Senior Counsel; Specialist in constitutional and commercial law; Judge at the High Court; Chairman of the General Council of the Bar of Ireland; Bencher of King's Inns; Chairman of the Educational Committee Council of King's Inns; Judge at the Court of first Instance from 25 September 1989 to 10 January 1996; died on 3 January 2018.

Antonio Saggio
Antonio Saggio

Born 1934; Judge, Naples District Court; Adviser to the Court of Appeal, Rome, and subsequently the Court of Cassation; attached to the Ufficio Legislativo del Ministerio di Grazia e Giustizia; Chairman of the General Committee in the Diplomatic Conference which adopted the Lugano Convention; Legal Secretary to the Italian Advocate General at the Court of Justice; Professor at the Scuola Superiore della Pubblica Amministrazione, Rome; Judge at the Court of First Instance from 25 September 1989 to 17 September 1995; President of the Court of First Instance from 18 September 1995 to 4 March 1998; Advocate General at the Court of Justice from 5 March 1998 to 6 October 2000; died on 26 January 2010.

David Alexander Ogilvy Edward
David Alexander Ogilvy Edward

Born on 14 November 1934; British national; Advocate (Scotland); King’s Counsel (Scotland); Clerk, and subsequently Treasurer, of the Faculty of Advocates; President of the Consultative Committee of the Bars and Law Societies of the European Community; Salvesen Professor of European Institutions and Director of the Europa Institute, University of Edinburgh; Special Adviser to the House of Lords Select Committee on the European Communities; Honorary Bencher, Gray's Inn, London; Judge at the Court of First Instance from 25 September 1989 to 9 March 1992; Judge at the Court of Justice from 10 March 1992 to 7 January 2004.

Heinrich Kirschner
Heinrich Kirschner

Born 1938; Magistrate, Land Nordrhein-Westfalen, Official at the Ministry of Justice (Department of Community Law and Human Rights); Assistant in the officie of the Danish member of the Commission and subsequently penalties in the Federal Ministry of Justice; Principal of the Minister's Officie, final post; Director (Ministerialdirigent) of an under-department dealing with criminal law; Judge at the Court of First Instance from 25 September 1989 to 6 February 1997.

Christos Yeraris
Christos Yeraris

Born 1938; Greek national; Member of the Simvoulio tis Epikratias (Council of State) and subsequently State Counsellor; Member of the Anotato Idiko Dikastirio (Superior Special Court) and of the Dikastiria Simaton (Trade Mark Courts); Adviser to the Government on the application of Community law; Professor of Community Law at the National School of Public Administration and the Adult Education Institute; Judge at the Court of First Instance from 25 September 1989 to 18 September 1992.

Romain Schintgen
Romain Schintgen

Born 1939; university studies in the Faculties of Law and Economics at Montpellier and Paris; Doctor of Laws (1964); Lawyer (1964); Lawyer-advocate (1967); General Administrator at the Ministry of Labour and Social Security; Member (1978-89), then President (1988-89), of the Economic and Social Council; Director of the Société nationale de crédit et d'investissement and of the Société européenne des satellites (until 1989); Member (1993-95), then Chairman of the Board (1995-2004), of the International University Institute of Luxembourg; Lecturer at the University of Luxembourg; Government Representative on the European Social Fund Committee, the Advisory Committee on Freedom of Movement for Workers and the Administrative Board of the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (until 1989); Judge at the Court of First Instance from 25 September 1989 to 11 July 1996; Judge at the Court of Justice from 12 July 1996 to 14 January 2008.

Cornelis Paulus Briët
Cornelis Paulus Briët

Born 1944; Executive Secretary, D. Hudig & Co., Insurance Broker, and subsequently Executive Secetary with Granaria B.V.; Judge, Arrondissementsrechtsbank (District Court), Rotterdam; Member of the Court of Justice of the Dutch Antilles; Cantonal Judge, Rotterdam; Vice-President, Arrondissementsrechtsbank Rottedam; Judge at the Court of First Instance from 25 September 1989 to 17 September 1998.

Bo Vesterdorf
Bo Vesterdorf

Born 1945; Lawyer-linguist at the Court of Justice; Administrator in the Ministry of Justice; Examining Magistrate; Legal Attaché in the Permanent Representation of Denmark to the European Communities; Temporary Judge at the Østre Landsret (Court of Appeal); Head of the Constitutional and Administrative Law Division in the Ministry of Justice; Director of a department in the Ministry of Justice; University Lecturer; Member of the Steering Committee on Human Rights at the Council of Europe (CDDH), and subsequently Member of the Bureau of the CDDH; in 2004 Member of the "Ad-hoc committee on judicial training" at the Academy of European Law, Trier (Germany); Judge at the Court of First Instance since 25 September 1989; President of the Court of First Instance from 4 March 1998 to 17 September 2007.

Rafael García-Valdecasas y Fernández
Rafael García-Valdecasas y Fernández

Born 1946; Abogado del Estado (at Jaén and Granada); Registrar to the Economic and Administrative Court of Jaén, and subsequently of Cordoba; Member of the Bar (Jaén and Granada); Head of the Spanish State Legal Service for cases before the Court of Justice of the European Communities; Head of the Spanish delegation in the working group created at the Council of the European Communities with a view to establishing the Court of First Instance of the European Communities; Judge at the Court of First Instance from 25 September 1989 to 17 September 2007.

Jacques Biancarelli
Jacques Biancarelli

Born 1948; Inspector at the Treasury; Junior Member and subsequently Member of the Conseil d'État; Legal Adviser to several ministers; Lecturer in a number of French professional colleges and institutes of heigher education; Legal Secretary at the Court of Justice; Head of Legal Department, Crédit Lyonnais; President of the Association Européenne pour le Droit Bancaire et Financier (AEDBF); Judge at the Court of First Instance from 25 September 1989 to 17 September 1995; died on 9 September 2020.

Koen Lenaerts
Koen Lenaerts

Born 1954; lic.iuris, Ph.D. in Law (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven); Master of Laws, Master in Public Administration (Harvard University); Lecturer (1979-83), subsequently Professor of European Law, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (since 1983); Legal Secretary at the Court of Justice (1984-85); Professor at the College of Europe, Bruges (1984-89); Member of the Brussels Bar (1986-89); Visiting Professor at the Harvard Law School (1989); Judge at the Court of First Instance of the European Communities from 25 September 1989 to 6 October 2003; Judge at the Court of Justice since 7 October 2003; Vice-President of the Court of Justice from 9 October 2012 to 8 October 2015; President of the Court of Justice since 8 October 2015.

Christopher William Bellamy
Christopher William Bellamy

Born 1946; Barrister, Middle Temple; King's Counsel, specialising in Commercial law, European Law and public Law; co-author of the three first editions of "Bellamy & Child, Common Market Law of Competition", Judge at the Court of First Instance from 10 March 1992 to 15 December 1999.

Andreas Kalogeropoulos
Andreas Kalogeropoulos

Born 1944; lawyer (Athens); legal secretary to Judges Chloros and Kakouris at the Court of Justice; professor of public and Community law (Athens); legal adviser; senior attaché at the Court of Auditors; Judge at the Court of First Instance from 18 September 1992 to 17 September 1998.

Virpi Tiili
Virpi Tiili

Born 1942; Doctor of Laws of the University of Helsinki; assistant lecturer in civil and commercial law at the University of Helsinki; Director of Legal Affairs and Commercial Policy at the Central Chamber of Commerce of Finland; Director-General of the Office for Consumer Protection, Finland; member of a number of committees and advisory bodies, inter alia Chairperson of the Supervisory Commission for the Marketing of Medicinal Products (1988-90), member of the Advisory Council on Consumer Affairs (1990-94), member of the Competition Council (1991-94) and member of the editorial board of the Nordic Intellectual Property Law Review (1982-90); Judge at the Court of First Instance from 18 January 1995 to 6 October 2009.

Josef Azizi
Josef Azizi

Born 1948; Doctor of Laws and Master of Sociology and Economics of the University of Vienna; Lecturer and Senior Lecturer at the Vienna School of Economics, the Faculty of Law of the University of Vienna and various other universities; Honorary Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Vienna; Ministerialrat and Head of Department at the Federal Chancellery; member of the Steering Committee on Legal Cooperation of the Council of Europe (CDCJ); representative ad litem before the Verfassungsgerichtshof (Constitutional Court) in proceedings for review of the constitutionality of federal laws; Coordinator responsible for the adaptation of Austrian federal law to Community law; Judge at the General Court since 18 January 1995 to 16 September 2013.

Pernilla Lindh
Pernilla Lindh

Born 1945; law graduate of the University of Lund; Legal Secretary and Judge at the District Court, Trollhättan (1971-74); Legal Secretary at the Court of Appeal, Stockholm (1974-75); Judge at the District Court, Stockholm (1975); Adviser on Legal and Administrative Matters to the President of the Court of Appeal, Stockholm (1975-78); Special Adviser at the Domstolverket (National Courts' Administration) (1977); Adviser in the office of the Chancellor of Justice (1979-80); Associate Judge at the Court of Appeal, Stockholm (1980-81); Legal Adviser at the Ministry of Trade (1981-82); Legal Adviser, and subsequently Director and Director-General for Legal Affairs, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1982-95); title of Ambassador in 1992; Vice-President at the Swedish Market Court; responsible for legal and institutional issues at the time of the EEA negotiations (Deputy Chairperson, then Chairperson, of the EFTA Group) and at the time of the negotiations for the accession of the Kingdom of Sweden to the European Union; Judge at the Court of First Instance from 18 January 1995 to 6 October 2006; Judge at the Court of Justice from 7 October 2006 to 6 October 2011.

André Potocki
André Potocki

Born 1950; Secretary General to the First President of the Cour de CAssation (1988); Vice-President of the Tribunal de Grande Instance, Paris (1990); Head of the European and International Affairs of the Ministry of Justice (1991); Judge, Court of Appeal, Paris, and Associate Professor at Paris X, Nanterre University (1994); Judge at the Court of First Instance from 18 September 1995 to 19 September 2001.

Rui Manuel Gens de Moura Ramos
Rui Manuel Gens de Moura Ramos

Born 1950; Professor, Law Faculty, Coimbra, and the Law Faculty of the Catholic University, Oporto; Jean Monnet Chair; Course Director at the Academy of International Law, The Hague, (1984) and visiting professor at Paris I Law University (1995); Protuguese Government delegate to United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL); Judge at the Court of First Instance from 18 September 1995 to 31 March 2003.

John D. Cooke
John D. Cooke

Born 1944; called to the Bar of Ireland 1966; admitted also to the Bars of England & Wales, of Northern Ireland and of New South Wales; Practising barrister 1966-1996; admitted to the Inner Bar in Ireland (Senior Counsel) 1980 and New South Wales 1991; President of the Council of the Bars and Law Societies of the European Community (CCBE) 1985-1986; Visiting Fellow, Faculty of Law, University College Dublin; Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators; President of the Royal Zoological Society of Ireland 1987-90; Bencher of the Honorable Society of Kings Inns, Dublin; Honorary Bencher of Lincoln's Inn, London; Judge at the Court of First Instance from 10 January 1996 to 15 September 2008; died on 29 April 2022.

Jörg Pirrung
Jörg Pirrung

Born 1940; academic assistant at the University of Marburg; Doctor of Laws (University of Marburg); adviser, subsequently head of the section for private international law and, finally, head of a subdivision for civil law in the German Federal Ministry of Justice; member of the Governing Council of Unidroit (1993-1998); chairman of the commission of the Hague Conference on Private International Law to draw up the Convention concerning the protection of children (1996); honorary professor at the University of Trier (private international law, international procedural law, European law); member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Max Planck Institute for Foreign Private and Private International Law in Hamburg since 2002; Judge at the Court of First Instance from 11 June 1997 to 17 September 2007; died on 24 October 2019.

Paolo Mengozzi
Paolo Mengozzi

Born 1938; Professor of International Law and holder of the Jean Monnet Chair of European Community law at the University of Bologna; Doctor honoris causa of the Carlos III University, Madrid; visiting professor at the Johns Hopkins University (Bologna Center), the Universities of St. Johns (New York), Georgetown, Paris-II, Georgia (Athens) and the Institut universitaire international (Luxembourg); co-ordinator of the European Business Law Pallas Program of the University of Nijmegen; member of the consultative committee of the Commission of the European Communities on public procurement; Under-Secretary of State for Trade and Industry during the Italian tenure of the Presidency of the Council; member of the working group of the European Community on the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and director of the 1997 session of The Hague Academy of International Law research centre devoted to the WTO; Judge at the Court of First Instance from 4 March 1998 to 3 May 2006; Advocate General at the Court of Justice from 4 May 2006 to 8 October 2018.

Michail Vilaras
Michail Vilaras

Born 1950; lawyer (1974-80); law degree from the University of Athens (1973); diploma of advanced studies (DEA) in labour law from the University of Paris II, Panthéon-Sorbonne (1977); national expert with the Legal Service of the Commission of the European Communities (1988-1990), then Principal Administrator in Directorate General V (Employment, Industrial Relations, Social Affairs) (1990-1994); Junior Officer, Junior Member and, since 1999, Member of the Greek Council of State; Associate Member of the Superior Special Court of Greece; Member of the Central Legislative Drafting Committee of Greece (1996-98); Director of the Legal Service in the General Secretariat of the Greek Government (1996-1998); Judge at the General Court of the European Union (1998 to 2010, President of Chamber from 2004 to 2010); Member of the Supreme Council for Administrative Justice (2011-2012); Member of the Special Court for Disputes relating to the Remuneration of Judges and of the Special Court for Actions against Judges (2013-2014); Member of the Advisory Panel of Experts on Candidates for Election as Judge to the European Court of Human Rights (2014-2015); Member of the Committee responsible for giving an Opinion on Candidates' Suitability to perform the Duties of Judge at the European Union Civil Service Tribunal (2012-2015); Lecturer in European Law at the National School for the Judiciary (1995-1996 and 2012-2015); Judge at the Court of Justice from 7 October 2015 to 7 October 2021.

Arjen W. H. Meij
Arjen W. H. Meij

Born 1944; Justice at the Supreme Court of the Netherlands (1996); Judge and Vice-President at the College van Beroep voor het Bedrijfsleven (Administrative Court for Trade and Industry) (1986); Judge Substitute at the Court of Appeal for Social Security, and Substitute Member of the Administrative Court for Customs Tariff Matters; Legal Secretary at the Court of Justice of the European Communities (1980); Lecturer in European Law in the Law Faculty of the University of Groningen and Research Assistant at the University of Michigan Law School; Staff Member of the International Secretariat of the Amsterdam Chamber of Commerce (1970); Judge at the Court of First Instance from 17 September 1998 to 13 September 2010.

Nicholas James Forwood
Nicholas James Forwood

Born 1948; Cambridge University BA 1969, MA 1973 (Mechanical Sciences and Law); called to the English Bar in 1970, thereafter practising in London (1971-99) and also in Brussels (1979-99); called to the Irish Bar in 1981; appointed Queen's Counsel 1987; Bencher of the Middle Temple 1998; representative of the Bar of England and Wales at the Council of the Bars and Law Societies of the EU (CCBE) and Chairman of the CCBE's Permanent Delegation to the European Court of Justice (1995-99); governing board member of the World Trade Law Association and European Maritime Law Organisation (1993-2002); Judge at the General Court from 15 December 1999 to 7 October 2015.

Hubert Legal
Hubert Legal

Born 1954; State Counsellor (France); graduate of the École normale supérieure de Saint-Cloud and of the École nationale d'administration; Associate Professor of English (1979-1985); rapporteur and subsequently Commissaire du Gouvernement in proceedings before the judicial sections of the Conseil d'État (1988-1993): legal adviser in the Permanent Representation of the French Republic to the United Nations in New York (1993-1997); Legal Secretary in the Chambers of Judge Puissochet at the Court of Justice (1997-2001); Judge at the Court of First Instance from 19 September 2001 to 17 September 2007.

Maria Eugénia Martins de Nazaré Ribeiro
Maria Eugénia Martins de Nazaré Ribeiro

Born 1956; studied in Lisbon, Brussels and Strasbourg; member of the Bar in Portugal and Brussels; independent researcher at the Institut d'études européennes de l'Université libre de Bruxelles (Institute of European Studies, Free University of Brussels); Legal Secretary to the Portuguese Judge at the Court of Justice, Mr Moitinho de Almeida (1986-2000), then to the President of the Court of First Instance, Mr Vesterdorf (2000-03); Judge at the General Court from 31 March 2003 to 19 September 2016.

Franklin Dehousse
Franklin Dehousse

Born 1959; law degree (University of Liege, 1981); Research Fellow (Fonds national de la recherche scientifique, 1985-89); Legal Adviser to the Chamber of Representatives (1981-90); Doctor of Laws (University of Strasbourg, 1990); Professor (Universities of Liege and Strasbourg; College of Europe; Institut royal supérieur de Défense; Université Montesquieu, Bordeaux; Collège Michel Servet of the Universities of Paris; Faculties of Notre-Dame de la Paix, Namur); Special Representative of the Minister for Foreign Affairs (1995-99); Director of European Studies of the Royal Institute of International Relations (1998-2003); assesseur at the Council of State (2001-03); consultant to the European Commission (1990-2003); member of the Internet Observatory (2001-03); Judge at the General Court from 7 October 2003 to 19 September 2016.

Ena Cremona
Ena Cremona

Born 1936; Bachelor's degree (BA) in languages, Royal University of Malta (1955); Doctor of Laws (LLD) of the Royal University of Malta (1958); practising at the Malta Bar from 1959; Legal Adviser to the National Council of Women (1964-79); member of the Public Service Commission (1987-89); board member at Lombard Bank (Malta) Ltd, representing the government shareholding (1987-93); member of the Electoral Commission since 1993; examiner for doctoral theses in the Faculty of Laws of the Royal University of Malta; Member of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) (2003-04); Judge at the General Court from 12 May 2004 to 22 March 2012: died on 24 May 2024.

Ottó Czúcz
Ottó Czúcz

Born 1946; Doctor of Laws of the University of Szeged (1971); Administrator at the Ministry of Labour (1971-74); Lecturer (1974-89), Dean of the Faculty of Law (1989-90), Vice-Rector (1992-97) at the University of Szeged; lawyer; member of the Presidium of the National Retirement Insurance Scheme; Vice-President of the European Institute of Social Security (1998-2002); member of the Scientific Council of the International Social Security Association; Judge at the Constitutional Court (1998-2004); Judge at the General Court from 12 May 2004 to 19 September 2016.

Irena Wiszniewska-Białecka
Irena Wiszniewska-Białecka

Born 1947; Magister Juris, University of Warsaw (1965-69); Researcher (Assistant Lecturer, Associate Professor, Professor) at the Institute of Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences (1969-2004); Assistant Researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Patent, Copyright and Competition Law, Munich (award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, 1985-86); lawyer (1992-2000); Judge at the Supreme Administrative Court (2001-04); Judge at the General Court from 12 May 2004 to 19 September 2016; died 23 May 2018.

Irena Pelikánová
Irena Pelikánová

Born 1949; Doctor of Laws, assistant in economic law (before 1989), Dr Sc., Professor of Business Law (since 1993) at the Faculty of Law, Charles University, Prague; member of the Executive of the Securities Commission (1999-2002); lawyer; member of the Legislative Council of the Government of the Czech Republic (1998-2004); Judge at the General Court from 12 May 2004 to 26 September 2019.

Daniel Šváby
Daniel Šváby

Born 1951; Doctor of Laws (University of Bratislava); Judge at the District Court, Bratislava; Judge, Appeal Court, responsible for civil law cases, and Vice-President, Appeal Court, Bratislava; member of the Civil and Family Law Section at the Ministry of Justice Law Institute; acting Judge responsible for commercial law cases at the Supreme Court; member of the European Commission of Human Rights (Strasbourg); Judge at the Constitutional Court (2000-04); Judge at the Court of First Instance from 12 May 2004 to 6 October 2009; Judge at the Court of Justice from 7 October 2009 to 7 October 2021.

Vilenas Vadapalas
Vilenas Vadapalas

Born 1954; Doctor of Laws (University of Moscow); Doctor habil. in Law (University of Warsaw); taught, at the University of Vilnius, international law (from 1981), human rights law (from 1991) and Community law (from 2000); Adviser to the Lithuanian Government on foreign relations (1991-93); member of the coordinating group of the delegation negotiating accession to the European Union; Director-General of the Government's European Law Department (1997-2004); Professor of European Law at the University of Vilnius, holder of the Jean Monnet Chair; President of the Lithuanian European Union Studies Association; Rapporteur of the parliamentary working group on constitutional reform relating to Lithuanian accession; member of the International Commission of Jurists (April 2003); Judge at the General Court from 12 May 2004 to 16 September 2013.

Küllike Jürimäe
Küllike Jürimäe

Born 1962; law degree, University of Tartu (1981-86); Assistant to the  Public Prosecutor, Tallinn (1986-91); Diploma, Estonian School of Diplomacy (1991-92); Legal Adviser (1991-93) and General Counsel at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (1992-93); Judge, Tallinn Court of Appeal (1993-2004); European Masters in Human Rights and Democratisation, Universities of Padua and Nottingham (2002-03); Judge at the General Court from 12 May 2004 to 23 October 2013; Judge at the Court of Justice since 23 October 2013.

Ingrida Labucka
Ingrida Labucka

Born 1963; Diploma in Law, University of Latvia (1986); Investigator at the Interior Ministry for the Kirov Region and the City of Riga (1986-89);Judge, Riga District Court (1990-94); lawyer (1994-98 and July 1999 to May 2000); Minister for Justice (November 1998 to July 1999 and May 2000 to October 2002); member of the International Court of Arbitration in The Hague (2001-04); Member of Parliament (2002-04); Judge at the General Court from 12 May 2004 to 25 February 2020.

Verica Trstenjak
Verica Trstenjak

Born 1962; Judicial service examination (1987); Doctor of Laws of the University of Ljubljana (1995); professor (since 1996) of theory of law and State (jurisprudence) and of private law; researcher; postgraduate study at the University of Zurich, the Institute of Comparative Law of the University of Vienna, the Max Planck Institute for private international law in Hamburg, the Free University of Amsterdam; visiting professor at the Universities of Vienna and Freiburg (Germany) and at the Bucerius School of Law in Hamburg; head of the legal service (1994-96) and State Secretary in the Ministry of Science and Technology (1996-2000); Secretary-General of the Government (2000); Member of the Study Group on a European Civil Code since 2003; responsible for a Humboldt research project (Humboldt Foundation); publication of more than 100 legal articles and several books on European and private law; Prize of the Association of Slovene Lawyers ‘Lawyer of the Year 2003'; Member of the editorial board of a number of legal periodicals; Secretary-General of the Association of Slovene Lawyers and member of a number of lawyers' associations, including the Gesellschaft für Rechtsvergleichung; Judge at the Court of First Instance from 7 July 2004 to 6 October 2006; Advocate General at the Court of Justice from 7 October 2006 to 28 November 2012.

Enzo Moavero Milanesi
Enzo Moavero Milanesi

Born 1954; Doctor of Laws (La Sapienza University, Rome); specialised in Community law (College of Europe, Bruges); member of the Bar, legal practice (1978-83); Lecturer in Community Law at the Universities of La Sapienza (Rome) (1993-96), Luiss (Rome) (1993-96 and 2002-06) and Bocconi (Milan) (1996-2000); adviser on Community matters to the Italian Prime Minister (1993-95); official at the European Commission: Legal Adviser and subsequently Head of Cabinet of the Vice-President (1989-92), Head of Cabinet of the Commissioner responsible for the internal market (1995-99) and competition (1999), Director, Directorate-General for Competition (2000-02), Deputy Secretary-General of the European Commission (2002-05), Director-General of the Bureau of European Policy Advisers (BEPA) at the European Commission (2006); Judge at the General Court from 3 May 2006 to 15 November 2011.

Miro Prek
Miro Prek

Born 1965; law degree (1989); LL.M.; PhD; called to the Bar (1994); performed various tasks and functions in public authorities, principally in the Government Office for Legislation (Under-Secretary of State and Deputy Director, Head of Department for European and Comparative Law) and in the Office for European Affairs (Under-Secretary of State); member of the negotiating team for the association agreement (1994-96) and for accession to the European Union (1998-2002), responsible for legal affairs; practising lawyer; Team leader and senior expert in EU financed projects regarding adaptation to European legislation and for European integration principally in the western Balkans; Head of Division at the Court of Justice of the European Communities (2004-06); Judge at the General Court from 7 October 2006 to 26 September 2019.

Teodor Tchipev
Teodor Tchipev

Born 1940; Degree in law at St Kliment Ohridski University, Sofia (1961); Doctorate in law (1977); Lawyer (1963-64); Legal adviser, State Automobile Enterprise for International Transport (1964-73); Research fellow at the Institute of Law, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (1973-88); Associate professor of civil procedure at the Faculty of Law of St Kliment Ohridski University, Sofia (1988-91); Arbitrator at the Court of Arbitration of the Chamber of Trade and Industry (1988-2006); Judge at the Constitutional Court (1991-94); Associate professor at Paissi Hilendarski University, Plovdiv (February 2001 to 2006); Minister for Justice (1994-95); Associate professor of civil procedure at the New Bulgarian University, Sofia (1995-2006); Judge at the General Court from 12 January 2007 to 29 June 2010

Valeriu M. Ciucă
Valeriu M. Ciucă

Born 1960; Degree in law (1984), doctorate in law (1997), Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iaşi; Judge at the Court of First Instance, Suceava (1984-89); Military judge at the Military Court, Iaşi (1989-90); Professor at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iaşi (1990-2006); Stipended student specialising in private law at the University of Rennes (1991-92); Assistant professor at Petre Andrei University, Iaşi (1999-2002); Lecturer at the Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale, Dunkirk (Research Unit on Industry and Innovation) (2006); Judge at the General Court from 12 January 2007 to 26 November 2010.

Alfred Dittrich
Alfred Dittrich

Born 1950; studied law at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (1970-75); articled law clerk in the Nuremberg Higher Regional Court district (1975-78); Adviser at the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs (1978-82); Counsellor at the Permanent Representation of the Federal Republic of Germany to the European Communities (1982); Adviser at the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs, responsible for Community law and competition issues (1983-92); Head of the EU Law Section at the Federal Ministry of Justice (1992-2007); Head of the German delegation on the Council Working Party on the Court of Justice; Agent of the Federal Government in a large number of cases before the Court of Justice of the European Communities; Judge at the General Court from 17 September 2007 to 26 September 2019.

Santiago Soldevila Fragoso
Santiago Soldevila Fragoso

Born 1960; graduated in law from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (1983); Judge (1985); from 1992 Judge specialising in contentious administrative proceedings, assigned to the High Court of Justice of the Canary Islands at Santa Cruz de Tenerife (1992 and 1993), and to the National High Court (Madrid, May 1998 to August 2007), where he decided judicial proceedings in the field of tax (VAT), actions brought against general legislative provisions of the Ministry of the Economy and against its decisions on State aid or the government's financial liability, and actions brought against all agreements of the central economic regulators in the spheres of banking, the stock market, energy, insurance and competition; Legal Adviser at the Constitutional Court (1993-98); Judge at the General Court since 17 September 2007 to 16 September 2013.

Laurent Truchot
Laurent Truchot

Born 1962; graduate of the Institut d'études politiques, Paris (1984); former student of the École nationale de la magistrature (National School for the Judiciary) (1986-88); Judge at the Regional Court, Marseilles (January 1988 to January 1990); Law Officer in the Directorate for Civil Affairs and the Legal Professions at the Ministry of Justice (January 1990 to June 1992); Deputy Section Head, then Section Head, in the Directorate-General for Competition, Consumption and the Combating of Fraud at the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Finance and Industry (June 1992 to September 1994); Technical Adviser to the Minister for Justice (September 1994 to May 1995); Judge at the Regional Court, Nîmes (May 1995 to May 1996); Legal Secretary at the Court of Justice in the Chambers of Advocate General Léger (May 1996 to December 2001); Auxiliary Judge at the Court of Cassation (December 2001 to August 2007); Judge at the General Court from 17 September 2007 to 16 September 2013.

Sten Frimodt Nielsen
Sten Frimodt Nielsen

Rugadh Sten Frimodt Nielsen sa bhliain 1963 i gCóbanhávan (an Danmhairg). Bhain sé céim sa dlí amach ó Københavns Universitet (Ollscoil Chóbanhávan, an Danmhairg) in 1988.

Chuir sé tús lena shlí bheatha ghairmiúil mar státseirbhíseach in Aireacht Ghnóthaí Eachtracha na Danmhairge ó 1988 go 1991, sular ceapadh mar rúnaí na hambasáide é ag Buanmhisean na Danmhairge chuig na Náisiúin Aontaithe i Nua-Eabhrac (na Stáit Aontaithe) ó 1991 go 1994. Ar fhilleadh dó ar an Danmhairg, chuaigh sé isteach, ar dtús, sa tSeirbhís Dlí in Aireacht Ghnóthaí Eachtracha na Danmhairge ó 1994 go 1995 agus, ina dhiaidh sin, in Oifig Phríomh-Aire na Danmhairge ó 1995 go 1998, mar chomhairleoir agus ansin mar phríomhchomhairleoir.

Ó 1998 go 2001, chuaigh sé isteach i mBuanionadaíocht na Danmhairge chuig an Aontas Eorpach mar aire-comhairleoir. Ó 2001 go 2002, chuaigh sé isteach arís in Oifig Phríomh-Aire na Danmhairge mar chomhairleoir speisialta maidir le cúrsaí dlí, mar cheann roinne agus mar chomhairleoir dlí ó 2002 go 2004, agus ansin mar leas-státrúnaí agus mar chomhairleoir dlí ó 2004 go 2007.

Chaith an tUasal Frimodt Nielsen a dhúthracht freisin le teagasc, ó 1988 go 1991, mar léachtóir sa dlí idirnáisiúnta agus Eorpach in Københavns Universitet (Ollscoil Chóbanhávan), áit ar ghlac sé feidhmeanna mar ollamh comhlach ina dhiaidh sin.

Breitheamh sa Chúirt Ghinearálta ón 17 Meán Fómhair 2007 go dtí an 27 Meán Fómhair 2023

Kevin O
Kevin O'Higgins

Born 1946; educated at Crescent College Limerick, Clongowes Wood College, University College Dublin (BA degree and Diploma in European Law) and the King's Inns; called to the Bar of Ireland in 1968; Barrister (1968-82); Senior Counsel (Inner Bar of Ireland, 1982-86); Judge of the Circuit Court (1986-97); Judge of the High Court of Ireland (1997-2008); Bencher of King's Inns; Irish Representative on the Consultative Council of European Judges (2000-08); Judge at the General Court since 15 September 2008 to 16 September 2013.

Dimitrios Gratsias
Dimitrios Gratsias

Born 1957; graduated in law from the University of Athens (1980); awarded DEA (diploma of advanced studies) in public law by the University of Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne (1981); awarded diploma by the University Centre for Community and European Studies (University of Paris I) (1982); Junior Officer of the Council of State (1985-92); Junior Member of the Council of State (1992-2005); Legal Secretary at the Court of Justice of the European Communities (1994-96); Supplementary Member of the Superior Special Court of Greece (1998 and 1999); Member of the Council of State (2005); Member of the Special Court for Actions against Judges (2006); Member of the Supreme Council for Administrative Justice (2008); Inspector of Administrative Courts (2009-10); Judge at the General Court from 25 October 2010 to 7 October 2021; Judge at the Court of Justice since 7 October 2021.

Andrei Popescu
Andrei Popescu

Born 1948; graduated in law from the University of Bucharest (1971); postgraduate studies in international labour law and European social law, University of Geneva (1973-74); Doctor of Laws of the University of Bucharest (1980); trainee assistant lecturer (1971-73), assistant lecturer with tenure (1974-85) and then lecturer in labour law at the University of Bucharest (1985-90); principal researcher at the National Research Institute for Labour and Social Protection (1990-91); Deputy Director-General (1991-92), then Director (1992-96) at the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection; senior lecturer (1997), then professor at the National School of Political Science and Public Administration, Bucharest (2000); State Secretary at the Ministry for European Integration (2001-05); Head of Department at the Legislative Council of Romania (1996-2001 and 2005-09); founding editor of the Romanian Review of European Law; President of the Romanian Society for European Law (2009-10); Agent of the Romanian Government before the Courts of the European Union (2009-10); Judge at the General Court from 26 November 2010 to 19 September 2016.

Guido Berardis
Guido Berardis

Born 1950; degree in law (Sapienza University of Rome, 1973), Diploma of Advanced European Studies at the College of Europe (Bruges, 1974-75); official of the Commission of the European Communities (‘International Affairs' Directorate of the Directorate-General for Agriculture, 1975-76); member of the Legal Service of the Commission of the European Communities (1976-91 and 1994-95); Representative of the Legal Service of the Commission of the European Communities in Luxembourg (1990-91); Legal Secretary at the Court of Justice of the European Communities in the chambers of the judge Mr G.F. Mancini (1991-94); Legal Adviser to members of the Commission of the European Communities, Mr M. Monti (1995-97) and Mr F. Bolkestein (2000-02); Director of the ‘Procurement Policy' Directorate (2002-03), the ‘Services, Intellectual and Industrial Property, Media and Data Protection' Directorate (2003-05) and the ‘Services' Directorate (2005-11) at the Directorate-General for the Internal Market of the Commission of the European Communities; Principal Legal Adviser and Director of the ‘Justice, Freedom and Security, Private Law and Criminal Law' Team at the Legal Service of the European Commission (2011-12); Judge at the General Court from 17 September 2012 to 26 September 2019.

Carl Wetter
Carl Wetter

Born 1949; Uppsala University, B.A. in economics 1974, LLM 1977; Administrative Officer at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1977); member of the Swedish Bar Association (from 1983); member of the competition law working group of ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) Sweden; Lecturer in competition law at Lund University and Stockholm University; author of numerous publications; Judge at the General Court from 18 March 2013 to 19 September 2016.

Egidijus Bieliūnas
Egidijus Bieliūnas

Born 1950; degree in law from the University of Vilnius (1973); doctorate in law (1978); Assistant Lecturer, Junior Lecturer and then Senior Lecturer at the Law Faculty of the University of Vilnius (1977-92); Consultant in the Legal Department of the Supreme Council - Reconstituent Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania (1990-92); Adviser at the Lithuanian Embassy in Belgium (1992-94); Adviser at the Lithuanian Embassy in France (1994-96); Member of the European Commission of Human Rights (1996-99); Judge at the Supreme Court of Lithuania (1999-2011); Senior Lecturer in the Criminal Law Department of the University of Vilnius (2003-13); Representative of the Republic of Lithuania on the Joint Supervisory Body of Eurojust (2004-11); Judge at the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania (2011-13); Judge at the General Court from 16 September 2013 to 26 September 2019.

Viktor Kreuschitz
Viktor Kreuschitz

Rugadh Viktor Kreuschitz sa bhliain 1952 i mBúdaipeist (an Ungáir). Bhain sé dioplóma sa dlí amach ó Universität Wien (Ollscoil Vín, an Ostair) in 1980, chomh maith le dochtúireacht sa dlí in 1981.

Chuir sé tús lena shlí bheatha ghairmiúil mar chúntóir taighde in Institut für Staats- und Verwaltungsrecht de Universität Wien (Ollscoil Vín) in 1980 sula ndeachaigh sé isteach, mar státseirbhíseach, sa Roinn Gnóthaí Bunreachtúla de Sheansailéireacht Chónaidhme na hOstaire ó 1981 go 1997. Ina theannta sin, ceapadh é mar chomhalta den Datenschutzkommission (Coiste um Chosaint Sonraí, an Ostair) idir 1987 agus 1997.

Ansin chuaigh sé isteach i Seirbhís Dlí an Choimisiúin Eorpaigh mar chomhairleoir dlí agus rinne sé ionadaíocht ar an institiúid seo, ó 1997 go 2013, i líon mór cásanna os comhair chúirteanna an Aontais agus os comhair Chúirt Bhreithiúnais Chomhlachas Saorthrádála na hEorpa.

Breitheamh den Chúirt Ghinearálta ón 16 Meán Fómhair 2013 go dtí an 15 Meán Fómhair 2022.

Anthony Michael Collins
Anthony Michael Collins

Born 1960; Graduate of Trinity College, Dublin (Legal Science) (1984) and of the Honourable Society of King's Inns, Dublin (Barrister-at-Law) (1986); Bencher of the Honourable Society of King's Inns (since 2013); Adjunct Professor, University College Cork (since 2015); Member, Board of Directors, Irish Centre for European Law (since 1997); Barrister-at-Law (1986-90 and 1997-2003) and Senior Counsel (2003-13) at the Bar of Ireland; Legal Secretary at the Court of Justice of the European Communities (1990-97); Vice-President of the Council of European National Youth Committees (1979-81); General Secretary, Organising Bureau of European School Student Unions (1977-84); General Secretary, Irish Union of School Students (1977-79); Member of the Permanent Delegation of the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) to the EU and EFTA Courts (2006-13); Judge at the General Court from16 September 2013 to 7 October 2021; Advocate General at the Court of Justice since 7 October 2021.

Ignacio Ulloa Rubio
Ignacio Ulloa Rubio

Born 1967; Law Degree with honours (1985-1990) and PhD studies (1990-1993) at Universidad Complutense, Madrid; Public Prosecutor of Gerona (2000-2003); Judicial and Human Rights Advisor for the Coalition Provisional Authority, Baghdad, Iraq (2003-2004); Civil First Instance Judge and Investigative Judge (2003-2007) thenSenior Judge, Gerona (2008); Deputy Head of EUJUST LEX Integrated Rule of Law Mission for Iraq at the Council of the European Union (2005-2006); Legal Counsellor of the Constitutional Court of Spain (2006-2011 and 2013); Secretary of State for Security (2012-2013); Civil Expert on Rule of Law and Security Sector Reform of the Council of the European Union (2005-2011); External Expert on Fundamental Rights and Criminal Justice for the European Commission (2011-2013); lecturer and author of numerous publications; Judge at the General Court from 16th September 2013 to 26 September 2019.

Ian Stewart Forrester
Ian Stewart Forrester

Born 1945; degrees from the University of Glasgow (MA 1965, LLB 1967) (history and English literature, law); master’s degree in civil law from Tulane University of Louisiana (MCL 1969); called to the Scottish Bar (1972) and the New York Bar (1977); appointed Queen’s Counsel (1988); called to the Bar of England and Wales (1996) and the Brussels Bar (1999); practised at the Bar in Edinburgh, Brussels, London and New York; visiting professor (1991) and doctor honoris causa (2009) of the University of Glasgow; Bencher of Middle Temple (2012); arbitrator at the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) and the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS); author of numerous publications; Judge at the General Court from 7 October 2015 to 31 January 2020.

Constantinos Iliopoulos
Constantinos Iliopoulos

Rugadh Constantinos Iliopoulos san Aithin (an Ghréig) in 1948. Bhain sé céim sa dlí amach ó Panepistimio Athinon (Ollscoil na hAithne, an Ghréig) in 1971 chomh maith le céim san eacnamaíocht ó Oikonomiko Panepistimio Athinon (Ollscoil na hEacnamaíochta, an Aithin, an Ghréig) in 1974. Thug sé faoi dhochtúireacht sa dlí in Universität Hamburg (Ollscoil Hamburg, an Ghearmáin), áit ar chosain sé a thráchtas maidir le dlí na hiomaíochta in 1984.

Glacadh isteach ag Barra na hAithne an tUasal Iliopoulos in 1973, áit ina raibh sé ag cleachtadh mar dhlíodóir go dtí 2016. Ó 1992 go 2006, bhí sé ina chomhalta den Elliniki Epitropi Antagonismou (Coimisiún na hIomaíochta Heilléanaí). Ó 2002 go 2003, bhí sé ina chomhairleoir dlí do Rialtas na Cipire agus é ag plé le cúrsaí a bhaineann le dlí na gcuideachtaí agus na maoine intleachtúla i gcomhthéacs aontachas na Cipire leis an Aontas Eorpach. Ó 2007 go 2009, bhí sé ina chomhairleoir dlí d’Aire Forbartha Eacnamaíche agus Fuinnimh na Gréige.

Anuas ar na poist sin, bhí sé i mbun teagaisc sa scoil dlí in Universität Hamburg agus é ina chúntóir i Roinn an Dlí Eorpaigh ó 1980 go 1984, ina léachtóir leis an dlí Eorpach, dlí Eorpach na dtomhaltóirí, dlí Eorpach na gcuideachtaí, an dlí tráchtála Eorpach agus dlí Eorpach na maoine intleachtúla idir 1992 agus 2006, agus ina ollamh ar cuairt in 2015. Bhí sé i mbun teagaisc freisin agus é ina ollamh le dlí eacnamaíoch idirnáisiúnta agus Eorpach sa scoil dlí ag Democritio Panepistimio Thrakis (Ollscoil Dhaonlathach na Tráicia, an Ghréig) ó 2007 go 2015, agus ansin ó 2015 go 2016 mar ollamh i gcúrsa máistreachta sa dlí idirnáisiúnta agus i ndlí Eorpach an fhuinnimh. Ó 2016 i leith, tá an tUasal Iliopoulos ina ollamh agus ina léachtóir oinigh le dlí Eorpach an fhuinnimh mar chuid den chúrsa máistreachta sin.

Tá sé ina údar ar an iliomad foilseachán agus tá sé bainteach le taighde dlí ina thír dhúchais laistigh den Elliniki Enosi Eyropaikou Dikaiou (An Cumann Heilléanach um Dhlí Eorpach), a raibh sé ina chisteoir air ó 1987 go 2002, ina ardrúnaí air idir 2002 go 2019 agus ina chomhalta dá bhord bainistíochta ó 2019 i leith. Ó 2012 go 2016, bhí sé ina chomhalta bunaidh agus ina ardrúnaí ar Elliniki Enosi Dikaiou Energeias (Comhlachas Heilléanach um Dhlí an Fhuinnimh), agus tá sé ina uachtarán ar an gcomhlachas sin ó 2017 i leith.

Agus é páirteach i gcultúr dlí na Gearmáine mar thoradh ar a chuid staidéar dochtúireachta in Hamburg, tá sé ina leas-uachtarán ar Chomhlachas Dhlíodóirí na Gearmáine agus na Gréige (Hamburg) ó 1987 i leith, agus ina ardrúnaí ar Chomhlachas Dhlíodóirí na Gréige agus na Gearmáine (an Aithin) ó 1990 i leith. Idir 2005 agus 2011, bhí sé ina chomhalta freisin den bhord bainistíochta de Κentro Diethnous kai Eyropaikou Oikonomikou Dikaiou sti Thessaloniki (Lárionaid Thessaloniki um Dhlí Eacnamaíoch Idirnáisiúnta agus Eorpach, an Ghréig).

Breitheamh den Chúirt Ghinearálta ón 13 Aibreán 2016 go dtí an 15 Meán Fómhair 2022

Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo Ibáñez-Martín
Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo Ibáñez-Martín

Born 1957; graduated in law from the Complutense University of Madrid (1979) and Master of Arts, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University (United States) (1985); Professor of Law at the CEU San Pablo University (1985-93); Legal Adviser, Council of State (1983-96); Secretary-General of the Centre for Advanced Study in the Social Sciences, Juan March Foundation (1991-96); Deputy Secretary, Ministry of the Interior (1996-2001); general counsel (2001-03); lawyer (2004-05); Director of Master in International Relations and Professor of Law at the Instituto de Empresa (2007-13); Senior Legal Adviser, Council of State (2005-16); Judge at the General Court from 13 April 2016 to 26 September 2019.

Virgilijus Valančius
Virgilijus Valančius

Rugadh Virgilijus Valančius in 1963 in Plungė (an Liotuáin). Bhain sé céim sa dlí amach in Vilniaus universitetas (Ollscoil Vilnias, an Liotuáin) in 1986 agus dochtúireacht sa dlí in Mykolo Romerio universitetas (Ollscoil Mykolas Romeris, an Liotuáin) in 2000. In 2008 chuir sé a iarratas isteach ar chéim iardhochtúireachta (habilitation) chuig Mykolo Romerio universitetas, a bhronn an teideal seo air sa bhliain 2008.

In 1986, chuir an tUasal Valančius tús lena shlí bheatha ghairmiúil mar ionchúisitheoir, post a bhí aige go dtí 1990. Idir 1991 agus 1994, chuaigh sé isteach i seirbhís na mbreithiúna ina thír dhúchais mar bhreitheamh agus ansin, ó 1993 go 1994, mar Leas-Uachtarán den Vilniaus miesto apylinkės teismas (Chúirt Dúiche Vilnias, an Liotuáin). Idir 1995 agus 2002, ceapadh é ina bhreitheamh den Lietuvos apeliacinis teismas (Cúirt Achomhairc na Liotuáine), áit a raibh sé ina chathaoirleach freisin ar an dlísheomra sibhialta. Ó 2002 go 2013, bhí sé ina bhreitheamh den Lietuvos vyriausiasis administracinis teismas (Cúirt Uachtarach Riaracháin na Liotuáine), a raibh sé ina Uachtarán uirthi idir 2002 agus 2008.

Ó 1997, bhí baint ag an Uasal Valančius leis an teagasc chomh maith mar léachtóir ag Vilniaus universitetas. Theagasc sé freisin ag Mykolo Romerio universitetas mar léachtóir ó 1998 go 2000 agus mar ollamh comhlach idir 2000 agus 2008. Idir 2002 agus 2006, ceapadh é ina Cheann ar an Roinn Nós Imeachta Shibhialta agus ceapadh ina ollamh é in 2008.

Ó 2006 go 2008 bhí sé ina chathaoirleach ar an Association européenne des magistrats (Comhlachas Eorpach na mBreithiúna) (AEM), agus bhí sé ina Leas-Uachtarán ar an Union internationale des magistrats (Comhlachas Idirnáisiúnta na mBreithiúna) (UIM) ó 2006 go 2014. Bhí sé ina chomhalta freisin de Chomhairle Chomhairleach na mBreithiúna Eorpacha (CCJE) ó 2000 go 2014, agus bhí sé ina chomhalta den bhord bainistíochta de Chomhlachas Chomhairlí Stáit agus Uas-Dlínsí Riaracháin an Aontais Eorpaigh (ACA-Europe) ó 2010 go 2013. Bhí sé ina chomhalta freisin de choiste comhairleach d’Acadamh an Dlí Eorpaigh (ERA) idir 2008 agus 2011.

Breitheamh den Chúirt Ghinearálta ón 13 Aibreán 2016 go dtí an 27 Meán Fómhair 2023

René Barents
René Barents

Rugadh René Barents sa bhliain 1951 in Rotterdam (an Ísiltír). Bhain sé céim sa dlí le speisialtóireacht san eacnamaíocht amach ó Erasmus Universiteit (Ollscoil Erasmus, an Ísiltír) in 1973. Chríochnaigh sé a oideachas ollscoile le dochtúireacht sa dlí ó Universiteit Utrecht (Ollscoil Utrecht, an Ísiltír), agus chosain sé a thráchtas ann in 1981.  

Is san Institiúid Eorpach den Universiteit Utrecht a chuir sé tús lena shlí bheatha ghairmiúil mar thaighdeoir, ó 1973 go 1974, agus ansin mar léachtóir dlí, ó 1974 go 1979, go háirithe i réimsí dhlí na hEorpa agus an dlí eacnamaíoch. Theagasc sé sa cháil seo freisin ag Universiteit Leiden (Ollscoil Leiden, an Ísiltír), ó 1979 go 1981. Ceapadh ina ollamh ag Universiteit Maastricht (Ollscoil Maastricht, an Ísiltír) é, áit ar theagasc sé dlí na hEorpa ó 1988 go 2003, agus bhí sé ina ollamh oinigh ar dhlí na hEorpa ann ó 2003. Tá sé ina údar ar roinnt foilseachán maidir le dlí an Aontais, agus chuaigh sé isteach i sa Chúirt Bhreithiúnais in 1981, mar rúnaí dlí leis na habhcóidí Ginearálta Pieter VerLoren van Themmat (ó 1981 go 1986) agus Jean Mischo (in 1986). Ansin chuaigh sé isteach i Rannóg Pearsanra na Cúirte Breithiúnais mar cheannasaí ar an rannóg um theidlíochtaí faoi na Rialacháin Foirne, ó 1986 go 1987.

Idir 1987 agus 1991, bhí post aige i Seirbhís Dlí Choimisiún na gComhphobal Eorpach agus idir 1991 go 2000, bhí sé ina rúnaí dlí arís ag an gCúirt Bhreithiúnais, leis an mbreitheamh Paul Joan George Kapteyn.  Ó 2000 go 2009, bhí sé ina cheann roinne sa Stiúrthóireacht um Thaighde agus um Dhoiciméadú, ar tháinig sé chun a bheith ina stiúrthóir uirthi, ó 2009 go 2011.

Idir 1993 agus 2011, bhí an tUasal Barents ina chomhairleoir freisin ag an Gerechtshof 's-Hertogenbosch (Cúirt Achomhairc 's-Hertogenbosch, an Ísiltír).

Ceapadh an tUasal Barents mar bhreitheamh ar Bhinse na Seirbhíse Sibhialta ar an 6 Deireadh Fómhair 2011 agus chomhlíon sé a dhualgais ann go dtí an 31 Lúnasa 2016.

Breitheamh den Chúirt Ghinearálta ón 19 Meán Fómhair 2016 go dtí an 15 Meán Fómhair 2022.

Peter George Xuereb
Peter George Xuereb

Born 1954; graduated in law from the University of Malta (1977); Master of Laws, University of London (1979); Ph.D., University of Cambridge (1982); lecturer at Ealing College of Higher Education (1982-84); lecturer at Exeter University (1984-90); senior lecturer at Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London (1990-93); legal adviser in the private sector, then at the Maltese Parliament (1993-2016); Professor and Head of the Department of European and Comparative Law at the University of Malta (1993-2016); Director of the European Documentation and Research Centre of the University of Malta (1993-2016); President of the Malta European Law Association; author of numerous publications; Judge at the General Court (2016-18); Judge at the Court of Justice since 8 October 2018.

Zoltán Csehi
Zoltán Csehi

Born 1965; graduated from Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, in law (1990) and history of art (1992) and Master of Laws from the University of Heidelberg (1991); Doctor of Law (2004); lawyer at the Budapest Bar (1995-2016); Associate Professor of Law (1991-2005) and Professor of Law (2005-16) at Eötvös Loránd University; Head of the Department of Commercial Law (2007-13), then Head of the Department of Private and Commercial Law and Professor (2013-16), at the Péter Pázmány Catholic University, Budapest; Visiting Professor at the Catholic University of Lyon (2013-16); Arbitrator at the Permanent Arbitration Court attached to the Hungarian Stock Exchange and ad hoc arbitrator (2004-16); Judge at the General Court from 13 April 2016 to 7 October 2021; Judge at the Court of Justice since 7 October 2021.


Ezio Perillo
Ezio Perillo

Born 1950; Doctor of Laws and lawyer at the Padua Bar; assistant lecturer, then senior researcher in civil and comparative law in the law faculty of the University of Padua (1977-82); lecturer in Community law at the European College, of Parma (1990-98), in the law faculties of the University of Padua (1985-87), the University of Macerata (1991-94) and the University of Naples (1995), and at the University of Milan (2000-01); member of the Scientific Committee for the Master’s in European Integration at the University of Padua; official in the Library, Research and Documentation Directorate of the Court of Justice of the European Communities (1982-84); Legal Secretary at the Court of Justice of the European Communities to Advocate General Mancini (1984-88); Legal Adviser to the Secretary-General of the European Parliament, E. Vinci (1988-93); Head of Division in the Legal Service of the European Parliament (1995-99); Director for Legislative Affairs and Conciliations, Inter-Institutional Relations and Relations with National Parliaments, at the European Parliament (1999-2004); Director for External Relations at the European Parliament (2004-06); Director for Legislative Affairs in the Legal Service of the European Parliament (2006-11); author of a number of publications on Italian civil law and EU law; Judge at the Civil Service Tribunal from 6 October 2011 to 31 August 2016; Judge at the General Court from 19 September 2016 to 26 September 2019.

Barna Berke
Barna Berke

Born 1966; graduated in law from Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest (1990); Master of Laws from the University of Stockholm (1995); lawyer at the Budapest bar; Legal Adviser at the Hungarian Parliament during the process for Hungary’s accession to the European Union (1994-96 and 2002-04); Legal Secretary to the President of the Hungarian Constitutional Court (1997-2000); Vice-President of the Competition Authority, then Chairman of the Competition Council (2000-02); arbitrator at the Permanent Court of Arbitration of the Financial and Capital Markets (2008-14); lecturer (1990-94); senior lecturer (1995-99) and then associate senior lecturer (2003-16) at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest; State Secretary for European and International Judicial Cooperation at the Ministry of Justice (2014-16); Judge at the General Court from 19 September 2016 to 1 August 2021, the date of his death.

Octavia Spineanu-Matei
Octavia Spineanu-Matei

Born 1967; graduated in law from Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi (1990); Doctor of Laws (1999); Judge at the Court of First Instance, Sector 4, Bucharest (1991-96); Judge (1996-99) and President of Section (1997-99) at the District Court, Bucharest; Judge (1999-2005) and President of Section (1999-2003) at the Court of Appeal, Bucharest; Member of the Enlarged Board of Appeal of the European Patent Office (2006-16); Instructor at and then Director of the National Institute of the Magistracy (2011-16); Judge at the High Court of Cassation and Justice of Romania (2006-16); Member of the Scientific Council of the National Institute of the Magistracy and of the Board of Governors of the National School for Registrars (2011-16); elected board member of the Doctoral School of the University of Bucharest (2012-16); Judge at the General Court from 19 September 2016 to 7 October 2021; Judge at the Court of Justice since 7 October 2021.

Hans Jung
Hans Jung

Born 1944; Assistant, and subsequently Assistant Lecturer at the Faculty of Law (Berlin); Rechtsanwalt (Frankfurt am Main); Lawyer-linguist at the Court of Justice; Legal Secretary at the Court of Justice in the Chambers of the President, Mr Kutscher, and subsequently in the Chambers of the German judge; Deputy Registrar at the Court of Justice; Registrar of the Court of First Instance since 10 October 1989; died on 26 September 2009.

Emmanuel Coulon
Emmanuel Coulon

Rugadh Emmanuel Coulon in Versailles (an Fhrainc) in 1968. Rinne sé staidéar ar an dlí in université Panthéon-Assas (Ollscoil Pháras II, Panthéon-Assas, an Fhrainc) agus rinne sé staidéar ar an mbainistíocht in université Paris-Dauphine (Ollscoil Pháras IX, Paris-Dauphine, an Fhrainc), áit ar bhain sé máistreacht sa dlí amach agus máistreacht sa bhainistíocht, céimeanna a bronnadh air in 1990 agus in 1991 faoi seach. Ansin chuaigh sé go Coláiste na hEorpa in Brugge (an Bheilg), áit ar bhain sé an chéim Master of Laws amach i ndlí na hEorpa (LLM) in 1992.

In 1993, d’éirigh leis sa scrúdú iontrála san ionad oiliúna réigiúnach do ghairm an dlíodóra i bPáras. In 1995, bhain sé deimhniú inniúlachta do ghairm an dlíodóra amach ó Bharra na Bruiséile (an Bheilg) agus chuaigh sé i mbun cleachtas mar chomhalta den Bharra i ngnólacht dlí idirnáisiúnta. In 1998, bhuaigh sé comórtas oscailte a d’eagraigh Coimisiún na gComhphobal Eorpach.

In 1996, d’earcaigh Uachtarán na Cúirte Ginearálta, Antonio Saggio, an tUasal Coulon chun gníomhú mar rúnaí dlí i meitheal a bhí freagrach as cúrsaí iomaíochta. In 1998, chuaigh sé isteach in oifig phríobháideach an Uachtaráin Bo Vesterdorf mar rúnaí dlí go dtí 2002. In 2003, ceapadh é ina Cheann ar Oifig an Uachtaráin, post nuachruthaithe sa Chúirt Ghinearálta.

Is údar ar fhoilseacháin maidir le dlí an Aontais Eorpaigh é, go háirithe i réimsí an dlí nós imeachta agus riar an cheartais.

Cláraitheoir na Cúirte Ginearálta ón 6 Deireadh Fómhair, 2005 go dtí an 30 Aibreán, 2023.