Notes and studies

This section provides access to documents, notes and studies of a scientific, analytical or educational nature drawn up and selected by the Court of Justice of the European Union and by the member courts of the RJUE, in order to enhance mutual knowledge of national laws.

‘Research notes’ are the result of research carried out or requested by the Court of Justice of the European Union or by a member court of the RJUE for the purpose of its activities. That in-depth research, which may relate to a specific legal question or a particular subject, is intended to feed into the work of the courts. Research notes are also often drafted from a deliberately comparative perspective.

The Court of Justice of the European Union shares within that framework the ‘research notes’ compiled by its Research and Documentation Directorate, which are drawn up in French and accompanied by a summary that is also available in English.

The list of these notes and studies is at the bottom of the page. They may also be searched via the search bar.

Personal civil liability of the directors of commercial companies for the infringement of an intellectual property right
14.12.2022 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
Judicial cooperation in civil matters - Approximation of laws
en fr
Names and citations of anonymised cases
07.10.2022 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
Provisions governing the institutions - Data protection
en fr
Declarations by Member States under Article 55(1) of the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement
23.09.2022 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
Charter of Fundamental Rights - judicial cooperation in criminal matters - Immigration policy - Principles, objectives and tasks of the Treaties - Approximation of laws - Public health
en fr
Role of the criminal court in the event of a breach of the accused person's right to be informed of his or her procedural rights
22.06.2022 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
Charter of Fundamental Rights - judicial cooperation in criminal matters - Justice and home affairs - Approximation of laws
en fr
Extrajudicial divorce: rules, procedures and cross-border recognition in Member States
04.02.2022 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
Judicial cooperation in civil matters
en fr
Anti-Dumping Agreement – Concept of 'destined for consumption'
17.09.2021 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
Commercial policy
en fr
25.06.2021 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
en fr
Review of the lawfulness of detention of third-country nationals – Scope of own-motion reviews and applicable rules
29.04.2021 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
en fr
Procedures for the appointment and designation of judges in the Member States and the role played by the executive or legislature in those procedures
27.10.2020 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
Fundamental rights - Charter of Fundamental Rights
en fr
Management autonomy of national sports federations and whether public procurement rules apply to them
27.05.2020 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
European Union public contracts
en fr
Public access to personal data relating to road traffic offences
08.05.2020 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
Principles, objectives and tasks of the Treaties - Data protection - Approximation of laws
en fr
Impact of ongoing criminal proceedings on the conduct of disciplinary proceedings
24.03.2020 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
Provisions governing the institutions
en fr
Existing internal review mechanisms in international and national courts
28.11.2019 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
Intellectual, industrial and commercial property - Approximation of laws - industrial property - approximation of laws
en fr
Admissibility of court actions against ‘soft’ law measures
19.06.2019 | Court of Justice | Research note
Procedural provisions - legal action - admissibility
en fr
Scope of the requirement of independence of lawyers
05.06.2019 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
Principles, objectives and tasks of the Treaties - general legal principle
en fr
Application of the Cilfit case-law by national courts or tribunals against whose decisions there is no judicial remedy under national law
29.05.2019 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
Principles, objectives and tasks of the Treaties - case law (EU) - EU law - national law
en fr
Possibility and conditions of an incidental review of the procedure leading to a judge’s appointment
15.05.2019 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
Provisions governing the institutions - Staff Regulations of officials and Conditions of Employment of other servants
en fr
Rights of former directors of a company in liquidation to bring legal proceedings in the name of that company
04.02.2019 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
Economic and monetary policy - European Central Bank (ECB)
en fr
Nationality requirements in amateur athletics competitions
12.12.2018 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
Citizenship of the Union
en fr
Recognition of kafala in the Member States, in particular in connection with the right of entry and residence in Member States
27.11.2018 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
Right of entry and residence
en fr
Methods of management of confidential data in the context of national judicial proceedings
15.10.2018 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
judicial review
en fr
Scope of the principle of the legality of taxation, particularly in relation to value added tax
14.09.2018 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
Taxation - Value added tax
en fr
Supervision of courts’ compliance with personal data protection rules when acting in their judicial capacity
18.07.2018 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
judicial review - data protection
en fr
Égalité, non-discrimination et genre
28.06.2018 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
Conditions and procedures relating to involuntary loss of nationality
18.04.2018 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
en fr
The use of promissory notes in relations with consumers
22.02.2018 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
Consumer protection
en fr
Supplementary protection certificate for medicinal products
01.02.2018 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
Intellectual, industrial and commercial property - Approximation of laws
en fr
Whether there are specific rules or general principles on the abuse of law in the area of direct taxation in the Member States
04.10.2017 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
Indirect taxation - misuse of a right
en fr
Freedom of expression of parliamentarians
11.09.2017 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
freedom of expression - parliament
en fr
Decisive date for assessing the ‘unaccompanied minor’ status of a refugee in order for his parents to enjoy a preferential right to family reunification with him
08.09.2017 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
asylum policy
en fr
Judicial review of employment relationships involving churches or religious undertakings
07.07.2017 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
Employment - Social policy - freedom of religious beliefs - equal treatment
en fr
Access to information held by national financial supervisory authorities
21.06.2017 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
Free movement of capital - Internal market - Principles - access to education - credit institution - investment company - financial instrument
en fr
Applicability of the rules relating to ‘personal data’ within the meaning of Article 2(a) of Directive 95/46/EC, to a corrected script of an examination
16.06.2017 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
Data protection
en fr
Limitation rules in criminal matters
15.05.2017 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
Fundamental rights - criminal law
en fr
Cumulation of administrative and criminal sanctions and the ne bis in idem principle
31.03.2017 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
Fundamental rights - Taxation
en fr
Anonymity of the parties on the publication of court decisions
20.03.2017 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
Data protection - judicial proceedings - special procedure - administrative procedure
en fr
Criminal penalties in the event of non-payment of value added tax
03.03.2017 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
Value added tax
en fr
Concours réel d’infractions
03.03.2017 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
criminal law
European arrest warrant: undertakings to execute a foreign sentence
23.09.2016 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
judicial cooperation in criminal matters - carrying out of sentence
en fr
Value added tax and place of supply in the case of ‘similar rights’ — Inclusion of greenhouse gas emission allowances
01.07.2016 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
Value added tax
en fr
Traitement des données à caractère personnel tenues ou inscrites au registre du commerce ou des sociétés
07.06.2016 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
Data protection
Disputes arising from the termination of long-term commercial relations
29.04.2016 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
Judicial cooperation in civil matters
en fr
Collective redundancies
15.04.2016 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
Social policy - Approximation of laws - dismissal
en fr
Effets juridiques de l’ouverture d’une procédure d’insolvabilité sur les procédures d’exécution en cours
11.04.2016 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
Judicial cooperation in civil matters - enforcement of ruling
The wearing of religious symbols at the place of work
11.03.2016 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
Social policy - freedom of religious beliefs
en fr
Requirement for judges to declare their financial interests
15.02.2016 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
Fundamental rights
en fr
Droits à réparation reconnus aux membres de la famille du défunt
05.06.2015 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
Judicial cooperation in civil matters - liability
Autorité de la chose jugée
23.01.2015 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
Provisions governing the institutions - appeal - EU law
Déchéance de droits civils et politiques
13.01.2015 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
Citizenship of the Union
Obligation de résidence
31.07.2015 | Courts of the European Union | Research note
asylum policy